This repo contains code which is used in the Firebase project to control the Firestore security rules, and define cloud functions.
- TypeScript Build System
- Initial Test Suite
- Validate Survey Data
- Initial Survey Endpoint
- Write to Firestore
- Add watcher to auto build .ts to .js
- Agree on API / Response Payloads
- Verify Cryptographic Hashes
- Cache Reads in Buckets
- VSCode
- Prettier Code Formatter
- Node 10+
- Firestore CLI
- Postman
The idea is to set reads to be open and public as all data is inherently anonymous. Writes are set to disabled except through a cloud endpoint which does the job validating the cryptographic signatures are valid before writing to the firestore.
See the TCN implementation here:
$ cd functions
$ npm install
$ firebase emulators:start
$ cd functions
$ npm test
We are using TypeScript and Babel to convert to JS which will run on Node 10 and the Firebase Emulator.
To convert the .ts files in src into .js files in lib run:
$ npm run-script build
The emulator should hot reload the scripts.
You can hit the endpoints with curl or Postman.
Example Report JSON Payload:
"contact_event_key_bytes": "a",
"memo_data": "a",
"memo_type": 1,
"start_index": 1,
"end_index": 1,
"signature_bytes": "a",
"report_verification_public_key_bytes": "a",
"timestamp": "2020-04-13"
You can query the Firestore API with urls like this: http://localhost:8080/v1/projects/tagstwo-431e3/databases/(default)/documents/signed_reports
$ curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/v1/projects/tagstwo-431e3/databases/(default)/documents/signed_reports'
You can import the COVID-Watch.postman_collection.json to play with the local Cloud Functions and Firestore Emulator.
Deploy a single function:
$ firebase deploy --only functions:submitReport