A dropdown tab tool for @twitter bootstrap forked from Stefan Petre's (of eyecon.ro), improvements by @jschab
NOTE: This fork is a modification to support The Red Team theme, Avalon.
The dropdown tab appears when your tabs do not all fit in the same row.
Original site and examples: http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-tabdrop/
Added functionality: Displays the text of an active tab selected from the dropdown list instead of the text option on the dropdown tab (improved).
Added functionality: Allows customizable offset to determine whether tab is overflown or not.
No additional HTML needed - the script adds it when the dropdown tab is needed.
Direct javascript:
Call the tabdrop:
Call the tabdrop with options:
Type: string
Default: icon
<i class="icon-align-justify"></i>
To change the default value, call
.tabdrop({text: "your text here"});
when initalizing the tabdrop. The displayed value will change when a tab is selected from the dropdown list.
Type: integer
Default: 0
To change the default value, call
.tabdrop({offsetTop: N});
when initalizing the tabdrop. This determines when tab has to be included in the dropdown.
Checks to see if the tabs all fit in one row and displays the text of an active tab in the list: