(In Development...)
Project by ID for Ideas
PROJECT: DON REMOLO PIZZERIA Online Order Menu and Order Manager for the Local. #idea3
Project Description: A user-friendly and simple-to-use menu is required for placing orders via WhatsApp.
Objective: The end-user should be able to build their online order with all items added, know the total, and receive confirmation from the local.
Requirements: Users do not need to be registered.
The list of offered meals should be visible, separated into categories: Pizzas, Empanadas, Beverages, Desserts.
The user should be able to add X quantity of each item to their order.
The checkout can be completed without payment or delivery involved. It should be clarified that it is only in cash and with the business's own delivery.
In the checkout, an automatic text is created and sent to the local's WhatsApp.