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Emmie Ohnuki edited this page Jul 26, 2018 · 5 revisions

My App Name

[1-2 sentence description of the app]

Allows users to create and plan/manage any life "projects" of any size from school projects, personal projects, travel plans, time management, habit management, etc.


[Who cares/uses it? why?]

​People who either need or enjoy more planning for the daily and long-term things in a simpler way and offers all the resources necessary to manage their "projects" allowing them to plan more efficiently and have them easily accessible.


A user opens the app... [complete this thought] ​See's all projects in order of last opened and perhaps favorited projects. Can either create new project, view existing ones, or edit. They can also switch to habit management tab or calendar



[What data are we dealing with? What classes will we create for that data?]

​Project Abstract class?

  • last edited/viewed: Date
  • title: String
  • type: String
  • tasks: array

Travel Plan: Project

  • Destinations: [Destination]
  • packingList: PackingList


  • containers: [String]
  • completed: Bool


  • name: String
  • items[String]


  • name: String
  • things to do: [Activity]


  • name: String
  • notes: String


  • distanceBetween: Double
  • timeBetween: Double


  • name: String
  • subtasks: [Task]
  • completed: Bool
  • due date: Date


  • name: String

Event: Project


[What custom views do we need to create? Include pictures of your prototypes/sketches!] ​


[What controllers will we need? What will they do?]

Project screen, habit tracker, calendar, settings, authentication things??​


[Any other frameworks / things we will need? Helpers? Services?]


Weekly Milestone

Week 4 - Usable Build

[List of tasks needed to be complete before you can start user testing]

  • Storyboard set up and connected to view controllers
  • models and helper/service classes figured out
  • firebase implemented
  • be able to do all the basic features: create project, edit, delete, view, habits, calendar etc. ​-Monday: Finish plan and design for app by 5:00 PM --> should have an idea of how to get started tomorrow for coding
  • Tuesday: Have storyboards set up and refactored + bar buttons--> connect to view controllers ad views by lunch time. Make models/other files. Finish flow and set up core data by 5:00.
  • Wednesday: Focus on being able to add items into the project. Create and set up entities/models and have data pass between view controllers by 5:00
  • Thursday: By 12, fix bug and be able to add ToDo lists to the project. By 3, be able to add agendas. Finish rest of types at home.
  • Friday: By 12:00 have be able to save, edit, and view projects. Work a little on UI and constraints. Make user testable by 3

Week 5 - Finish Features

[List of tasks to complete the implementation of features]

  • add specifics to project manager
  • basic UI
  • debugging
  • convert habit stuff into graphs?
  • make sure everything works perfectly
  • Monday: Test until 12:30 and mark down all bugs. Work through bugs until 5:00
  • Tuesday: If finished fixing bugs, implement the "custom/personal" project. Try to finish by 5:00
  • Wednesday: By 12:00, have habit tracker models set up and layouting of views. By 5:00 have users able to create new habits and select days
  • Thursday: Implement calendar and have projects auto inserted into the calendar by 5:00
  • Friday: Settings page done by 2:00. Debug until 5:00 ​

Week 6 - Polish

[List of tasks needed to polish and ship to the app store]

  • Launch screen
  • screen shots
  • prepare for shipping to app store --> look at what needs to be done etc.
  • videos
  • finalize UI
  • debug if really necessary
  • Monday: Design launch screen and basic customization/UI for entire day. Decide on color theme and create color structs until 3:00. Screen shots + buy apple development thingy for the rest of the day and prepare to ship app.
  • Tuesday: Add swipe detections and continue polishing UI until 1:00. After that prepare for app ship. Ship if possible.
  • Wednesday: If haven't shipped app, ship by 10:30. Polish UI and record tutorials by 3:00. Insert into app.
  • Thursday: final testing and debugging. Make sure everything works perfectly. And prepare update release. Have everything done by 3:30 and then update.
  • Friday: Prepare for demo day!