Exploring the representation and visualisation of grid-based puzzles in PDDL and Planimation. A project for COMP30022.
A number of specific games and puzzles modelled in PDDL and Planimation. Documentation on each game can be found in the readme for each example.
We use editor.planning.domains as our PDDL editor. To try out an example, use the 'Editor Session' link in each example's documentation. Alternatively, download the code and upload the files to a new editor session of your own.
Tools to assist in creating PDDL grid problem representations. Documentation on each tool is found in the respective tool's directory.
Active contributors:
- Liam Anthian
- Reuben Cook
- Erich Huang
- Richele Maryanto
- Jakob Schuster
Contact us via the GitHub Discussions tab.
Practices we will generally follow:
- Hierarchically deeper code will be indented one tab (4 spaces) further in than its parent if spread across multiple lines.
- Opened code blocks that span across multiple lines will be closed with a lone bracket on its own line – this closing bracket at the same depth as the initial opening bracket.
- Predicate and action code will be indented such that all code in the following block is at the very least past this term.
will be imported in the domain file below the main parent domain definition.- Where possible, lines will be attempted to be kept at a suitable length - deemed 80 characters for now.
- Comments will be placed before each non-obvious action and large code block explaining the purpose and reasoning behind the changed predicates and states. Precondition justification should be present when logic not immediately clear.