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@akurilov akurilov released this 07 Mar 17:17
· 2829 commits to master since this release

Release Notes

New Features and Enhancements


  1. Intermediate Statistics
  2. Mixed and Weighted Load
  3. Partial Read
  4. Atmos API Support: subtenants functionality added (create, delete).
  5. S3 API Support: buckets functionality added (create, read, delete).
  6. Swift API Support:
    1. Tokens functionality (create)
    2. Containers functionality (create, read, delete)

Fixed Bugs

  • (891) Idle load job state is not reached on the manual interruption
  • (892) Circular/Distributed count limit implementation is inaccurate
  • (923) Mongoose 3.1.0 String Index out of bound exception
  • (905) Quick fading when one of the target nodes went offline
  • (937) Circular read - monitor is getting the results for active/pending I/O tasks
  • (938) Circular load job hangs if all I/O tasks are failed and the count limit is set
  • (944) Distributed mode issue while running in the Docker container
  • (953) Not working: S3 MPU/Swift DLO


  1. Advanced the test coverage with new system tests.

    For detailed coverage info see the [[Functional Testing]] page.

  2. Configuration layout change

    Some "socket-..." and "storage-..." configuration parameters moved under
    "storage-net-..." prefix/path. This was done to differentiate the FS storage
    driver configuration from Net storage driver configuration. Both CLI and scenario files
    backward compatibility is provided. Using deprecated configuration parameter names will cause
    warning messages. It's recommended to check the custom/user scenarios against the
    provided scenario schema

    Detailed configuration layout change info:

    Old parameter name (v < 3.2.0) New parameter name (v >= 3.2.0)
    socket-timeoutMilliSec storage-net-timeoutMilliSec
    socket-reuseAddr storage-net-reuseAddr
    socket-keepAlive storage-net-keepAlive
    socket-tcpNoDelay storage-net-tcpNoDelay
    socket-linger storage-net-linger
    socket-bindBacklogSize storage-net-bindBacklogSize
    socket-interestOpQueued storage-net-interestOpQueued
    socket-selectInterval storage-net-selectInterval
    storage-ssl storage-net-ssl
    storage-http-api storage-net-http-api
    storage-http-fsAccess storage-net-http-fsAccess
    storage-http-headers storage-net-http-headers
    storage-http-namespace storage-net-http-namespace
    storage-http-versioning storage-net-http-versioning
    storage-node-addrs storage-net-node-addrs
    storage-node-port storage-net-node-port
