AI: Artificial intelligence
AAAI mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 19%
IJCAI mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 16%
Arch: Computer architecture
ASPLOS mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 21%
HPCA mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 25%
ISCA mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 18%
MICRO mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 22%
Bed: Embedded & real-time systems
RTAS mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 28%
RTSS mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 25%
Crypt: Cryptography
CRYPTO mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 23%
EuroCrypt mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 22%
DB: Databases
ICDE mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 24%
PODS mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 36%
SIGMOD mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 31%
VLDB mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 24%
HCI: Human-computer interaction
CHI mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 25%
UIST mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 24%
Logic: Logic & verification
CAV mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 20%
LICS mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 39%
ML: Machine learning
ICLR mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 30%
ICML mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 23%
NeurIPS mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 24%
Metrics: Measurement & perf. analysis
IMC mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 31%
SIGMETRICS mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 17%
NLP: Natural language processing
ACL mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 26%
EMNLP mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 25%
Networks: Computer networks
NSDI mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 17%
SIGCOMM mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 19%
OS: Operating systems
EuroSys mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 21%
FAST mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 20%
OSDI mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 19%
SOSP mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 16%
USENIX-ATC mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 20%
PL: Programming languages
CC mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 39%
CGO mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 30%
ECOOP mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 43%
ICFP mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 35%
ISMM mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 54%
OOPSLA mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 36%
PLDI mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 25%
POPL mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 26%
PPoPP mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 22%
Robotics: Robotics
ICRA mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 43%
IROS mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 46%
SE: Software engineering
ASE mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 21%
FSE mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 24%
ICSE mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 23%
ISSTA mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 24%
Security: Computer security
CCS mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 18%
NDSS mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 17%
Oakland mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 13%
UsenixSec mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 17%
Theory: Algorithms & complexity
FOCS mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 32%
SODA mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 31%
STOC mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 28%
Vision: Computer vision
CVPR mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 24%
ECCV mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 28%
ICCV mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 27%
Web+IR: The web & information retrieval
SIGIR mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 22%
WSDM mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 16%
WWW mean acceptance rate, last 5 years: 19%
- Front matter in conference proceedings (primary source)
- Personal communications
- When possible, total submitted papers excludes those rejected or withdrawn before review
- For conferences that make a distinction, these statistics include only "long" papers
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- For any corrections or updates, please make a pull request to the above site.
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). - This site was developed by and is maintained by Emery Berger.