A simple python script to generate objective-c properties and other Obj-C / Xcode related things. It all started with i had a project where i needed have 40-45 different ivars with correseponding property statements, so i wrote this little script.
It looks like crap, its almost certainly crap but it works for my usage.
git clone git://github.com/mrevilme/im-very-lazy.git
chmod +x im-very-lazy/genproperties
sudo ln -s $PWD/im-very-lazy/genproperties /usr/local/bin/genproperties
genproperties both HEADER.h
The arguments are not synced with the amount of commands. I usally only use "both" which produces the output above.
It reads a header file like the following:
@interface TestObject : NSObject {
NSObject *m_testObject;
and prints this:
//----- TestObject properties -------
@property(nonatomic,retain) NSObject *testObject;
//----- TestObject synthesize -------
@synthesize testObject = m_testObject;
//----- TestObject init -------
- (id) init {
if( self = [super init] ) {
m_testObject = nil;
return self;
//----- TestObject dealloc -------
- (void) dealloc {
[m_testObject release]; m_testObject = nil;
[super dealloc];
//----- TestObject initWithCoder -------
- (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder {
self = [[TestObject alloc] init];
if( self != nil ) {
m_testObject = [aCoder decodeObjectForKey:@"m_testObject"];
return self;
//----- TestObject encodeWithCoder -------
- (void) encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder {
[aCoder encodeObject:m_testObject forKey:@"m_testObject"];