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🎬 TV Series App front end: A fully-tested full stack MERN application with CRUD functionality where users can browse and filter TV series, 'favourite' them, get recommendations and leave reviews

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Internet Series Database (ISDb)

ISDb is a fully tested, full stack MERN (MongoDB, Express, React & Node) web and mobile application that allows users to browse and filter TV series, add them to their 'favourites' list, get recommendations based on their favourites, and leave reviews and ratings; admins can further add new series to the catalogue. Seed data for the series was generated dynamically by web scraping IMDb, and the recommender system is a very simple one that generates series based on the modal genre of a user's favourites (the first is taken if more than one). 56 different aspects, components and functionalities are tested across 12 test suites, server-side and client-side.

This repo contains code for the front end client only; code for the back end api lives here.

Table of Contents

  1. Application Walkthrough
  2. Installation
  3. Tech Stack
  4. Features
  5. Architecture
  6. Data Collection & Curation
  7. Featured Code Snippets (Front End & Back End)
  8. Challenges & Wins
  9. Key Learnings

Application Walkthrough

Series Catalogue

Expand and Collapse Search and Filter Tools (web vs mobile)

Favouriting & Recommendations Carousel

Responsive Carousel

Leaving and Deleting your Review

Log In, Register and Add Series (admin-only) pages


  • Check out the deployed version!
    • Feel free to register to use your own log-in credentials, or try a demo one using:
  • Or run and test locally:
    • Back End: Clone the backend repo β†’ Run MongoDB locally β†’ npm i β†’ npm run test (25 tests across 6 test suites) β†’ npm run start:server
    • Front End: Clone this repo β†’ npm i β†’ npm run test (31 tests across 6 test suites) β†’ npm run start:client

Tech Stack

  • Front End: React.js SPA, React-Router-Dom, Sass (BEM)
  • Back End: Node, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Python
  • Data Collection: Web scraping with Python
  • Authentication: JSON Web Token (JWT)
  • Security:
    • Safeguarding from injection attacks: Express-Mongo-Sanitize
    • Password Encryption: Bcrypt
  • Testing:
    • Front end: Jest for mocks, React-Testing-Library
    • Back End: Mocha, Chai and Supertest
  • Other Packages & Tools: Postman, MongoDB Compass, Axios, Elastic Carousel
  • Deployment:
    • Front end: Netlify
    • Back end: Heroku Cyclic & Mongo Atlas


  • Display of all series (34 were pre-seeded via scraping IMDb)
  • An expand-collapse search and filter tool for the series catalogue.
    • Searching by title, actor, plot, year, genre or rating
    • Filtering by genre
  • Series-specific information (genre, actors, pilot year, average rating etc...)
  • Double-click functionality for logged in users to fill in the 'heart' on series poster, indicating the user has 'favourited' it
  • Recommender System (for logged in users) to suggest series similar to ones they've liked.
  • Authenticated users can also:
    • Add a series to their profile's page via 'favouriting' (double clicking on the series poster on the individual series page)
    • View their profile page, which displays responsive carousels each for their favourites and resulting recommendations
      • The carousel cards will flip to its backside on hover, displaying series-specific information, and when active will navigate to series page
    • Comment on and rate a series once logged in, and deleting the user's own comment
  • Admins have the same rights as non-admin users, but can also add new series to the catalogue
  • The Register and Log In return detailed error messages to the user


Front End:

  • React Components to compartmentalise code
  • React Hooks for state management and handling side effects
  • Sass stylesheets that follow the 7-1 pattern and the BEM methodology
  • Single Page Application (react-router-dom) using Link, useNavigate, useLocation and useParams
  • Unit testing (31 tests across 6 test suites):
    • Home (6 unit tests)
    • Navbar (1 unit test)
    • Login (4 unit tests)
    • Register (11 unit tests)
    • UserProfile (3 unit tests & 2 integration tests)
    • ElasticCarousel (4 unit tests)

    frontend testing run

Back End:

  • Secure routing middleware to ensure user groups (authenticated users and admins) are granted appropriate access rights
  • Error handling middleware to assist with debugging
  • Two interlinked model schemas in MongoDB (Series and User), one of which (Series) has a nested Comments model
  • Data seeding of 25 user profiles, 15 comments and 3 posts.
  • All security checks (user access credentials) done in the back end:
    • Email validation (correct format and uniqueness)
    • Password validation (encryption and strength: minimum of 8 characters, at least one lowercase & uppercase letter and number)
    • Obscuring the password response from the front end
    • Login credentials expire after 6 hours
  • Integration testing (25 tests across 6 test suites):
    • Series via GET requests (4 integration tests)
    • Series via POST requests (3 integration tests)
    • Register & Login POST requests (4 integration tests)
    • Favourites & User Authentication via GET and PUT requests (4 integration tests)
    • Comments / Reviews via POST, DEL and GET requests (4 integration tests)
    • Admin authentication via GET and POST requests (6 integration tests)

    backend testing run

Data Collection & Curation

  • Dynamically generated seed series data via a Python script that scrapes IMDb (see code snippet below).
  • Manually generated seed comments via Mongoose once the User and Series models were seeded (see code snippet below).

Featured Code Snippets

Front End (Client)

  • Recommender System (generates a list of series based on the modal genre of a user's favourites):

    // Full code: $src/components/UserProfile.js
    const getRecommendations = () => {
      if (allSeries && favourites) {
        const nonLikedSimilaries = allSeries.filter(
          (series) =>
            series.genre.includes(calculateFavouriteGenre()) &&
            ! => likedShow._id).includes(series._id)
        const shuffledList = [...nonLikedSimilaries].sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random());
        return shuffledList.length >= 12 ? shuffledList.slice(0, 12) : shuffledList;
      } else {
        return [];
  • Carousel and card flip design in CSS. The carousel takes props that will show either favourites or recommendations:

    // Full code: $src/components/ElasticCarousel.js
    const ElasticCarousel = ({ seriesList, listType }) => {
      const responsiveBreakPoints = [
        { width: 1, itemsToShow: 1 },
        { width: 550, itemsToShow: 2, itemsToScroll: 2 },
        { width: 768, itemsToShow: 3 },
        { width: 1200, itemsToShow: 4 }
      return (
        <div className='carousel'>
          {seriesList && seriesList.length > 0 ? (
            <Carousel breakPoints={responsiveBreakPoints}>
              { => (
                  className={`card card--${listType}`}
                  <div className='card__side card__side--front'>
                    <img src={series.image} alt={} className='carousel__image' />
                  <div className='card__side card__side--back'>
                    <p className='card__title'>{}</p>
                    <p className='card__details card__details--years'>
                    <p className='card__details card__details--rating'>⭐️ {series.rating} ⭐️</p>
                    <p className='card__details card__details--genres'>{series.genre.join(' β€’ ')}</p>
                    <p className='card__details card__details--actors'>
                      { => (
                        <span key={actor}>{actor}</span>
          ) : (
              {listType === 'favourites'
                ? 'No favourites yet.'
                : 'No recommendations yet. Add some series to your Favourites list get some recommendations!'}
    // Full code: $src/styles/components/_elastic-carousel.scss
    .card {
      perspective: 150rem;
      &__side {
        transition: all .8s ease;
        backface-visibility: hidden;
        position: relative;
        &--back {
          transform: rotateY(180deg);
          position: absolute;
          top: 0;
          left: 0;
          height: 100%;
          width: 100%;
      &:hover &__side--front {
        transform: rotateY(-180deg);
      &:hover &__side--back {
        transform: rotateY(0);
        overflow-y: scroll;
        &::-webkit-scrollbar {
          width: .5rem;
        &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
          border-radius: 1rem;
          background-color: rgba($theme-grey, .6);
  • Unit Testing the Home page's search bar and filter buttons:

    // Full code: $src/__tests__/Home.test.js
    test('Assert search bar input is accepted and displayed correctly.', async () => {
      await act(async () =>
            <Home />
      const searchBarInput = screen.getByRole('textbox', { className: /home__search-bar/i });
      const searchTerm = 'sherloc';
      userEvent.type(searchBarInput, searchTerm);
      await waitFor(() => {
    test('Assert genre filters are displayed correctly based on series available.', async () => {
      axios.get = jest.fn();
      axios.get.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: mockSeriesData });
      await act(async () =>
            <Home />
      // Assert filter 'heading' is displayed
      const filterHeading = screen.getByText(/filter by genre/i, {
        className: 'home__controls-heading'
      // Assert genre options are displayed:
      const genresPresent = ['Crime', 'Drama', 'Biography'];
      genresPresent.forEach((genre) => {
        const genreFilterButton = screen.getByText(genre, { className: 'home__filter' });
      // Assert genres that aren't present in mockSeriesData is NOT part of filter list:
      const genresMissing = ['Fantasy', 'History', 'Reality-TV'];
      genresMissing.forEach((genre) => {
        const genreFilterButton = screen.queryByText(genre, { className: 'home__filter' });

Back End (Server)

  • Scraping IMDb:

    # Full code: $db/data/
    def extract_years(years):
      years_split = years.split('–')
      assert len(years_split) <= 2, '`Years` was not split correctly'
      assert len(years_split) >0, '`Years` was not split correctly'
      pilot_year = years_split[0]
      finale_year = 'ongoing' if len(years_split) == 1 else years_split[1]
      return pilot_year, finale_year
    for index, url in enumerate(URLs):
        print(f'{index+1}/{len(URLs)}: Scraping {url}...')
        page = requests.get(url)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
        # Separate class name in IMDb for super long titles:
        if url == '':
            title = soup.find_all('h1', class_='sc-b73cd867-0 cAMrQp')[0].text
            title = soup.find_all('h1', class_='sc-b73cd867-0 eKrKux')[0].text
        years = soup.find_all('span', class_='sc-52284603-2 iTRONr')[0].text
        poster = soup.find('img', class_='ipc-image')['src']
        genres_elements = soup.find_all(
            'a', class_='sc-16ede01-3 bYNgQ ipc-chip ipc-chip--on-baseAlt')
        genres = [genre.text for genre in genres_elements]
        description = soup.find_all('span', class_='sc-16ede01-1 kgphFu')[0].text
        rating = soup.find_all('span', class_='sc-7ab21ed2-1 jGRxWM')[0].text
        top_3_actor_elements = soup.find_all('a', class_='sc-11eed019-1 jFeBIw')[:3]
        top_3_actors = [actor.text for actor in top_3_actor_elements]
        number_of_episodes = soup.find_all('span', class_='ipc-title__subtext')[0].text
        language = soup.find_all('a', class_='ipc-metadata-list-item__list-content-item ipc-metadata-list-item__list-content-item--link')[-7].text
        pilot_year, finale_year = extract_years(years)
      except Exception as err:
        print(f'Error "{err}" for the URL {url}')
  • Creating comments data using the User and Series models:

    // Full code: $db/seed.js
    const user1 = await User.findOne({ username: 'sierra' });
    const lastDance = await Series.findOne({ name: /last dance/i });
        "Breath-taking. Can't believe they had all that terrific footage. For all the sports fans out there.",
  • API endpoint to update (add or remove) a series from a user's "favourites" list:

    // Full code: $controllers/usersController.js
    const addUserFavourites = async (req, res, next) => {
      try {
        if (!req.currentUser) {
            .json({ message: "Unauthorised. You must be logged in to 'favourite' a series" });
        } else {
          // Get series (that user clicked on):
          const series = await Series.findById(req.body.seriesId);
          const userFavouritedAlready = !!req.currentUser.favouriteSeries.find(
            (item) => item._id.toString() === req.body.seriesId
          if (userFavouritedAlready) {
            // remove from favourites list if already in list
            await User.updateOne({ _id: req.currentUser._id }, { $pull: { favouriteSeries: series } });
          } else {
            // add to favourites list if not in there
            await User.updateOne({ _id: req.currentUser._id }, { $push: { favouriteSeries: series } });
          const updatedUser = await User.findById(req.currentUser._id);
      } catch (err) {
  • Testing some Comments Controller's POST and GET request endpoints:

    // Full code: $__tests__/comment.test.js
    let userToken;
    let userId;
    let seriesId;
    describe('Testing COMMENTS', () => {
      beforeEach(() => setUp());
      beforeEach(async () => {
        // Get a user token (the one who's written comments):
        const resp = await api
          .send({ email: '[email protected]', password: 'Password1!@' });
        userToken = resp.body.token;
        const jwtDecoded = jwt.verify(userToken, secret);
        userId = jwtDecoded.userId;
        // Get a series id:
        const seriesResp = await api.get('/api/series/arrested');
        seriesId = seriesResp.body[0]._id;
      afterEach(() => tearDown());
      it('Assert user can create a review on a series (POST & GET)', async () => {
        const resp = await api
          .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${userToken}`)
        // check comment is there:
        const getResp = await api.get('/api/series/arrested');
        const comments = getResp.body[0].comments;
        const targetComment = comments.find((comment) => comment.text === 'Not bad');
      it('Assert error when unauthenticated user tries to leave a review on a series (POST)', async () => {
        const resp = await`/api/series/${seriesId}/comments`).send(mockComment);
        expect(resp.body.message).to.deep.include('Unauthorised. No token or invalid token.');

Challenges & Wins:

This was the first time I'd ever implemented testing in javascript, so learning Jest and React Testing Library for front end testing, and Mocha, Chai and Supertest for the back end was incredibly rewarding and fun. Two testing challenges I haven't yet overcome are described in the issues section of this repo, namely, (i) accessing an expected render of a nested component, and (ii) passing a backend-generated, API error to the Jest DOM screen reader in the frontend.

Key Learnings:

  • It's always easier to get the data needed in the front end by creating a new api endpoint in the back end, rather than appending it to a user's (JWT) token payload, which doesn't update as easily/in real time in session storage.
  • When testing, any action (based on a user event or inital load) that causes the state to re-render must be wrapped in act(...)
  • Testing components that are only accessible to authenticated users is done the same way as testing any other (public) component; the component is there in the codebase whether a user signs in or not, so when provided jest mock data, those components can be tested!


🎬 TV Series App front end: A fully-tested full stack MERN application with CRUD functionality where users can browse and filter TV series, 'favourite' them, get recommendations and leave reviews







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