Crescendo's installment is similar to lambda ( Below is the introduction by Michael Ball on how to install lambda
Lambda is an LTI app for autograding Snap! programs.
λ maintains a database of questions and submissions, and will allow students to log in through LTI - which means that their scores can be saved to whatever LMS you're course is using, like Canvas or edX.
We have:
- questions
- Submissions
- Users
- AG-Interfaces
If you're developing against a public LMS, like a hosted edX course or Canvas instance, then you'll need ngrok or another tool to expose your dev environment to the internet.
The ngrok configuration is mostly setup, but you'll need an API key. Once that
is set, you can use ./launch-lti
to get it running.
LTI Config TODO.
- Launch URL:
- Key and Secret: Currently stored on the server :O
- Use
after the launch URL to load a specific question.
None Yet...
- Follow edX guide. TODO: get link.
Note about submitting grades: Canvas requires you to be in "Student View" for the LTI tool to be able to passback a grade. Get to this through your course's settings.
- Pass the tool 'public' information
Clone with git clone --recursive
to download the snap source as a submodule.
If you've already cloned without --recursive
git submodule init
git submodule update
Once things are setup, use ./run
to launch Rails and start ngrok.
After you have cloned this repo, run this setup script to set up your machine with the necessary dependencies to run and test this app:
% ./bin/setup
It assumes you have a machine equipped with Ruby, Postgres, etc. If not, set up
your machine with brew
(on a Mac).
- Ruby version
- 2.3.3
- System dependencies
- Postgres, qt, ngrok
brew install postgres qt
- OSX Install postgres:
# To have launchd start postgresql at login: ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/postgresql/*plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents # Then to load postgresql now: launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
2 Mac binary is inbin/
- Currently the run script uses
with a custom domain. - If you don't want to pay, just edit this file.
- Currently the run script uses
- Configuration
- Database creation
- Postgres needs to be running!
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
- Database initialization
- TODO create seeds file
- How to run the test suite
- Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
- Deployment instructions