RhythmiFind offers personalized music recommendations tailored to your tastes, providing a unique and engaging music discovery experience.
- Team Members
- Technologies
- Challenge Statement
- Risks
- Infrastructure
- Existing Solutions
- APIs and Methods
- Data Modeling
- User Stories
- Godwin Chukwuma: Backend Developer
- Emmanuel Paul: Frontend Developer
Assigning roles based on expertise ensures efficiency. Godwin's proficiency in handling complex backend systems and Emmanuel's flair for frontend design perfectly cater to the project's demands, setting a solid foundation for success.
- JavaScript (Node.js) for backend logic
- HTML/CSS for frontend structure and styling
- React as the frontend framework
- Tailwind CSS for styling
- Supabase for database management
- Postgres for structured data storage
- Supabase for real-time database management and serverless backend
- Supabase for Restful API
- React vs. Vue.js: Chose React for its robust ecosystem and component-based architecture.
- Tailwind CSS vs. Bootstrap: Preferring Tailwind for flexibility and customization.
- Tailwind CSS vs. Traditional CSS: Tailwind CSS offers UI development with predefined classes.
RhythmiFind delivers personalized music recommendations, aiming for a tailored listening experience based on individual preferences. It focuses on user interactions to generate relevant suggestions, enhancing the music discovery process.
The project does not address copyright issues or broader industry challenges, focusing solely on improving the user's music discovery journey.
Music enthusiasts seeking a personalized discovery experience.
- Scalability challenges
- Integration complexity
- Privacy concerns
- User engagement and retention
Adopting Gitflow ensures a structured development process.
CI/CD pipeline facilitates automated testing and deployment.
Incorporating data from music databases and APIs enriches the recommendation algorithm.
Employing unit, integration, and end-to-end tests ensures comprehensive coverage.
Comparison with Spotify and Pandora, focusing on user-centric approach and transparency in recommendation processes.
(List of API routes and methods)
(List of methods for other clients)
- Spotify API
- Stripe API
- Supabase Auth API
- Supabase Database API
Visual representaion of the project structure
Below is the Entity Relationship Diagram illustrating the data model for RhythmiFind:
- Emmanuel Paul
- Godwin Chukwuma
Emmanuel Paul and Godwin Chukwuma are students of software engineering at ALX, actively engaged in developing their skills in the field.