This repository constitutes a solution to a programming challenge.
The structure of a database is given by a JSON file, which contains an array of table objects. Each table has an array of columns which may or may not be a foreign key, matching a column in another table.
A table which holds a column with a foreign key must not be created before that referenced table has been created.
The challenge is to write a program that reads the JSON file database.json
and outputs a legal order of for creating the tables.
The challenge is solved by recognizing that the problem is equivalent to a traversal of a directed acyclic graph, possibly disconnected. The database is first converted to an adjacency list in the form of a hash map, and then fed to a topological-sort solver. The main function, sortTables(), takes in a path to the JSON file and returns a list of table names in the order they should be implemented.
Install jest from package by running npm install
and then run the tests
trough npm test