- Data structures for spreadsheets in Python
- Accessing your tabular data · (inline exercises)
- Pandas built-in plotting
- Plotting exercise
- Intro to Tidy Data
- Intro to tidy data plotting with Seaborn · (inline exercises)
- Melt into tidy data
- Melt data exercise
- Merge (JOIN) datasets
- Merge (JOIN) exercise
- Groupby Basics · (inline exercises)
- Exploring NC emissions with Groupby and Pivot Tables · (inline exercises)
- Full Accessing DataFrames
- JOIN types
- Concatenating files
- Splitting and exploding lists into rows
- Exploring NC emissions with categorical data columns
Eric E Monson
Duke Libraries Center for Data and Visualization Sciences
Tidy Data Exercises are from the blog post by Jean-Nicholas Hould blog post and hist accompanying GitHub repository
Minimally Sufficient Pandas · A really great post by Ted Petrou with an opinionated guide to which commands and styles of coding should be used with Pandas. There are so many ways of doing the same thing in Pandas and he helps clarify which to choose and why. Not a beginner article, but essential for intermediate to advanced users.
Jupyter Notebook Tutorial · From Datacamp, gives history, setup and basic usage, with great links to good notebooks and how to set up interactive dashboards
Github Markdown cheat sheet · Super-concise summary of (github-style) Markdown syntax
Pandas cheat sheet · Modeled after R cheat sheet. Very good summary of basic Pandas functions
Pandas Tutor · Visualizes simple Python Pandas code, showing transformation diagrams
JupyterLite · JupyterLab distribution that runs entirely in the web browser, backed by in-browser language kernels
Dramatic Tour of Python visualization tools · Entertaining and illuminating comparison of how various plots would be done with many major Python visualization packages (Matplotlib, Pandas, Seaborn, ggplot, Altair), including code repository
Pandas tutorials and documentation · Good documentation, examples and quick tutorials from the official Pandas site
Python for Data Science workshop · Python for Data Science workshop repository, given at IEEE VIS 2015
NBViewer – Jupyter viewer site · Place to both put your notebooks for sharing and find great content by others