Author: Enrico Murru (
Deploy all Salesforce Org's metadata into a git repository
This app is ready to be deployed in Heroku:
The app is ment to be used as a scheduled job ( the web server does anything other then redirecting to this repository for instructions.
Install the Heroku Scheduler add-on and configure a new job:
If you want notifications after a run, you need to implement your own bin's job (see the doAll callback)
The app follows the following flow:
- Logins with an integration user to your ORG
- Lists all metadata
- Retrieves the zipped unpackaged files
- Clones the remote repository
- Unzips the zipped metadata inside the cloned respository
- Performs git add -A
- Performs git commit
- Perform giti push (if commit has differences)
This is the list of the supported environment variabled:
- SF_LOGIN_URL: Salesforce login URL
- SF_API_VERSION: Salesforce API version
- SF_USERNAME: Salesforce integration username
- SF_PASSWORD: Salesforce integration password (+token)
- GIT_IGNORE: coma separated list of items to be ignored by git (es. __MACOSX,.DS_Store) [optional]
- REPO_URL: remote git repo's URL (es. https://username:[email protected]/magicdev/reponame)
- REPO_COMMIT_MESSAGE: commit message (defaulted to "Automatic commit (sfgit)")
- REPO_USER_NAME: git actor's name (
- REPO_USER_EMAIL: git actor's email (
- REPO_README: content of the README.MD [optional]
- EXCLUDE_METADATA: coma separated list of unwanted metadata items (es. Scontrol,Settings) [optional]
See the LICENSE file