Author: Enrico Murru
Blog post: [Salesforce / Heroku] Salesforce as Identity Provider and Heroku as Service Provider
The following app can be deployed on Heroku to test SSO using SAML 2.0 with Salesforce as Identity Provider.
From Setup > Domain Management > My Domain enable My Domain on your org.
Remember that once set you cannot change it anymore.
From Setup > Security Controls > Identity Provider click Enable Identity Provider.
From Setup > Create > Apps click on New button of the Connected Apps section.
In Web App Settings set:
- Start URL: url of your app (e.g. http://localhost:3000)
- Enable SAML: true
- Entity Id: service provider entity id (e.g. passport-saml, this is the issuer field on the Service Provider as seen more over)
- ACS Url: callback (e.g. http://localhost:3000/login/callback)
- Subject Type: field used to match users (use User ID)
- Name ID Format: format of the field used to match (e.g. urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified)
- Issuer: leave your domain (e.g.
In Custom Connected App Handler:
- Apex Plugin Class: link to a class that implements the Auth.ConnectedAppPlugin interface to extend the data sent to the Service Provider
global class SamlConnectedAppPlugin extends Auth.ConnectedAppPlugin{
global override boolean authorize(Id userId, Id connectedAppId, boolean isAdminApproved) {
User u = [select id, First_SAML_Login__c from User where id =: userId].get(0);
if(u.First_SAML_Login__c == null){
u.First_SAML_Login__c =;
update u;
}catch(exception e){
System.debug('Exception:' + e.getMessage());
return true;
//Return a user’s permission set assignments
global override Map<String,String> customAttributes(Id userId, Map<String,String> formulaDefinedAttributes) {
User u = [select id, Name, CommunityNickname from User where id =: userId];
return formulaDefinedAttributes;
This class extends the info sent after login by the customAttributes() method. On authorization request, sets a custom date to set the first login done with SAL.
Go back to Setup > Security Controls > Identity Provider and get the info on your SAML Metadata Discovery Endpoints.
Open one of the xml links (e.g. https://[your_domain]
- Node ds:X509Certificate: this is the main certificate used to authenticate the communication between the Service PRovider and Salesforce
- Node md:SingleSignOnService: this is the URL used as an entry point for the authentication on the Identity Provider
- Node md:NameIDFormat: this is the format of the incoming user ID
Using the SAML Service Provider Server ( service configure a new instance of the server setting the following enviromental variables:
- SAML_ISSUER: leave 'passport-saml' (or choose your own)
- SAML_ENTRYPOINT: set with the valule in the md:SingleSignOnService node
- SAML_CERT: set with the ds:X509Certificate node
- SAML_IDENTIFIER_FORMAT: set with the md:NameIDFormat node