You will find the practical examples for the IaC Dojo in this repository. The repo is broken down into a the different tools that are used as examples in the Dojo.
Each example will attempt to configure and run a basic apache web server. It does not perform complex operations in the examples, but instead focusses on the basics.
You should be able to just install Vagrant on most platforms. By default you can use the standard virtual machine recommended which is virtual box. Other options are available for example Hyper-V on windows. You can change the default provider with the --provider flag on vagrant up.
You can download Vagrant from this link
Ansible is a IaC tool that prefers configuration via YAML. You can see a few examples of provisioning the same concepts as what was done in vagrant. If you are on a windows machine it should attempt to use the ansible local install instead.
You can download Ansible from this link
The last IaC tool used in this Dojo is Chef. Unlike Ansible, Chef uses a code approach instead of configuration. Chef uses Ruby to provide a DSL for the various operations and tasks.
You can download Chef from this link