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Daniel Santillan edited this page Feb 11, 2025 · 27 revisions

This wiki is intended to document the possible configuration options for the STAC catalog generator. The configuration options are in the process of being formalized, changes can be expected.

If you are here to learn how to provide information for data integrations we invite you to go to the Data Definition - first steps page.

For more in depth understanding of the configuration options for the catalog generation here is the API description.


A catalog instance can be configured by creating a yaml file in the catalogs folder. The file can be configured with following parameters:

Element Type Description
id string Identifier string used for the collection, no catalog should repeat the id used
title string Title added to catalog file, shown by STAC clients
description string Description added to catalog file. Markdown may be used for rich text representation.
endpoint string Expected url where catalog will be deployed
assets_endpoint string Url base path to where locations will be deployed
collections [string] List of collections and indicators that will be part of the catalog, have to match file names of collections and indicators configured in the collections and indicators folders (without the extension)
default_base_layers string Optional relative path to baselayer definition file (see Auxiliary layers for more information)
default_overlay_layers string Optional relative path to overlay definition file (see Auxiliary layers for more information)


An indicator can aggregate multiple collections. It can be defined by creating a yaml file in the indicators folder. The yaml filename (without extension needs to be added to the collections parameter of the catalog definition. Collections part of the indicator do not need to be added to the collection parameter.

Element Type Description
Name string Identifier used for the collection, should not match any other identifier of an indicator used in the same catalog.
Title string Title used to describe the collection
EodashIdentifier string Identifier that will be used within the eodash client
Description string Can be either a text string (allowing markdown) or relative path (which root is taken from the assets_endpoint configured for the catalog) to a markdown file (with .md extension)
Collections [string] List of collections that will be part of the catalog, have to match file names of collections configured in the collections folder (without the extension)
Disable [string] Optional list of collections (as defined in Collections) which should load as initially disabled in the dashboard layer control
BaseLayers [layer definition] Optional overwrite of default base layer definition list
OverlayLayers [layer definition] Optional overwrite of default overlay layer definition list


A collections can be defined by creating a yaml file in the collections folder. The collection can be configured with following parameters:

Element Type Description
Name string Identifier used for the collection, should not match any other identifier of a collection used in the same catalog.
Title string Title used to describe the collection
EodashIdentifier string Identifier that will be used within the eodash client
Subtitle string Possible subtitle text (currently not represented in eodash client)
Description string Can be either a text string (allowing markdown) or relative path (which root is taken from the assets_endpoint configured for the catalog) to a markdown file (with .md extension)
Themes [string] List of theme strings that represent the collection
Tags [string] List of tag strings that represent the collection
DataSource DataSource DataSource object defining sources of data
Agency [string] List of agency strings that represent the collection
License string | [License] Either a string for the Collection's SPDX License identifier or if none apply a list of custom License objects
Locations [Locations] List of locations of the collection
Provider [Provider] List of providers of the collection
Citation Citation Citation object containing information on citation aspects of data
Image string Relative path (which root is taken from the assets_endpoint configured for the catalog) to a preview image file
Legend string Relative path (which root is taken from the assets_endpoint configured for the catalog) to colormap legend image file
Subcollections [Subcollections] List of Subcollections that are integrated into the defined collection. When used no Resources should be defined, thes Resources of the linked subcollections are used.
Resources [Resource] REQUIRED (if no Subcollections are specified) List of resources` provided by the collection (typically will only be one resource)
Services [Service] List of Service objects provided by the collection (typically will only be one service)
References [Reference] List of Reference objects that further describe the collection
Colorlegend [Colorlegend] Colorlegend object that describes how the colorlegend should be displayed
CollectionGroup string (Optional) identifier that can be used to group collections/indicators in eodash using the collection_group property for grouping in the configuration


For custom licenses one or more license objects can be specified, the license objects allows following parameters:

Element Type Description
Url string Required Url to location where license text can be located
Type string Media Type string, defaults to text/html (for websites), other typical cases would be application/pdf for pdf documents
Title string Descriptive title for the license


Based on the STAC scientific extension.

Element Type Description
DOI string The DOI of the data, e.g. 10.1000/xyz123. This MUST NOT be a DOIs link
Citation string The recommended human-readable reference (citation) to be used by publications citing the data
Publications [Publication] List of relevant publications referencing and describing the data


Element Type Description
DOI string The DOI of a publication referencing the data. This MUST NOT be a DOIs link.
Citation string Citation of a publication referencing the data.

Example citation:

    Citation: This string needs to be added when using the data
    DOI: 10.5061/dryad.s2v81.2
        - Citation: Citation string of publication
          DOI: 10.5061/dryad.s2v81.3
        - Citation: Another string of publication
          DOI: 10.5061/dryad.s2v81.4
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