v2.11.0 - 2022-05-25
- implement SonarPermissionTemplate custom resource EPMDEDP-7390
- implement SonarGroup custom resource EPMDEDP-7391
- Use sonar-developers role for OIDC integration EPMDEDP-7506
- implment default permission template for sonar CR EPMDEDP-7633
- add .golangci-lint config EPMDEDP-8066
- Update Makefile changelog target EPMDEDP-8218
- Implement validation steps for api/helm docs EPMDEDP-8329
- Add ingress tls certificate option when using ingress controller EPMDEDP-8377
- Add CRD API documentation EPMDEDP-8385
Bug Fixes
- permission template id in sync groups EPMDEDP-7390
- restry retry count EPMDEDP-7390
- Ensure CI user has browse permissions EPMDEDP-7506
- sonar secrets generation EPMDEDP-7633
- Changelog links EPMDEDP-7847
- Upgrade SonarQube to the LTS 8.9.4 version EPMDEDP-8041
- Upgrade SonarQube to the LTS 8.9.6 version EPMDEDP-8041
- save template ID in k8s, immediately after creation in sonar EPMDEDP-8055
- QualityGatesListResponse unmarshalling bugfix EPMDEDP-8224
- Change ca-certificates in dockerfile EPMDEDP-8238
- Fix sonar.plugins.proxy definition EPMDEDP-8374
- Fix changelog generation in GH Release Action EPMDEDP-8468
Code Refactoring
- Decrease initial delay for sonar-db readinessProbe EPMDEDP-7391
- Remove initial delay for configuration phase EPMDEDP-7391
- Provision developers group in sonar controller EPMDEDP-7506
- Address golangci-lint issues EPMDEDP-7945
- Refactor User and Token management EPMDEDP-8006
- refactor json unmarshalling EPMDEDP-8224
- Align CI flow for GH Actions EPMDEDP-7391
- Add fake kubeconfig to fix unit tests EPMDEDP-7391
- Add tests EPMDEDP-7994
- Add tests EPMDEDP-7994
- Add tests EPMDEDP-7994
- Add tests EPMDEDP-7994
- tests refactoring EPMDEDP-7994
- Add tests EPMDEDP-7994
- Add mocks to sonar exlcusion list EPMDEDP-7096
- Update sonar exclusion list EPMDEDP-7390
- Update Ingress resources to the newest API version EPMDEDP-7476
- Update release CI pipelines EPMDEDP-7847
- Update artifacthub tags EPMDEDP-8049
- Populate chart with artifacthub tags EPMDEDP-8049
- Update changelog EPMDEDP-8227
- Update alpine-wget image EPMDEDP-8331
- Upgrade SonarQube to version 8.9.7 EPMDEDP-8332
- Update base docker image to alpine 3.15.4 EPMDEDP-8853
- Upgrade Sonarqube to the latest LTS 8.9.8 EPMDEDP-8922
- Update changelog EPMDEDP-9185
- Update Arch schema EPMDEDP-8385
- Update documentation section EPMDEDP-8385
Ensure keycloak role is aligned when migrating from