- ESP8266 based board (in my case, the Nodelink D1, based on the ESP12)
- Nodeline D1 schematic
- Temp/RH sensors like the DHT22
- micropython 1.19.1 (at time of writing)
- built-in sensor support for DHT
- a micropython webserver like nanoweb
- BIPES is a nice IDE for working with web-attached micropython boards like the ESP8266 ones
Just gluing things together in the REPL:
from machine import Pin
from machine import Timer
from machine import RTC
import dht
d = dht.DHT22(Pin(14))
tim = Timer(-1)
rtc = RTC()
tim.init(period=10000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t:print([t, rtc.datetime(), d.measure(), d.temperature(), d.humidity()]))