Releases: eperedo/vue-static-map
Releases · eperedo/vue-static-map
Modern build with cli
Repo is using vue-cli 3 now!
Thanks to @cfjedimaster and @ChavaSobreyra!
- Fixed error when icon url is empty or not present in markers
- Distributions files are included in the repo. If you are playing with the code and makings changes do not forget to run
vue build src/components/StaticMap.vue --prod --lib
Yes, you will need vue-cli in order to that.
Happy mapping! 🌎
- Added demo on jsbin
- If language is not present, english will be the default choice.
- Event now can be used with the kebab case format
- Fixed error in the language parameter
- Fixed error in the query string when markers and paths were not defined
- Added support for the language parameter
1.5.2 Bump version