Terraform modules to create an AKS Cluster with active OIDC that integrates with Workload Identity, allowing your pods to connect to Azure resources using Azure AD Application.
This example is a Terraform implementation of the Workload Identity Quick Start guideline.
The overall architecture of the solution and it's main components that are managed by Terraform.
This project is composed by the following Terraform modules:
- Azure - Create the RG, AKS cluster w/oidc, KV, App Reg, Service Principal.
- Helm - Install the Azure Workload Identity System objects.
- Kubernetes - Create the Service Account and deploy a quick-start workload.
Modules are isolated for individual
commands, following this warning from the Kubernetes provider.
You can deploy this example solution following these steps:
Check the installation docs in Managed Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and make sure the required feature flags are enabled.
Create the local variables from the example file:
# Copy from the template
cp .config/example.local.tfvars .local.tfvars
# Set is as relative to work from the modules root
You might want to change the app_name
value to avoid conflict with existing resources. Just make sure that kv-${app_name}
won't exceed 24 characters, as this is the Key Vault limit.
All other variables are optional and have default values, but you may edit to fit your needs.
Create the Azure Cloud resources:
terraform -chdir="azure" init
terraform -chdir="azure" apply -var-file=$tfvars -auto-approve
Apply the Helm module:
terraform -chdir="helm" init
terraform -chdir="helm" apply -var-file=$tfvars -auto-approve
Apply the Kubernetes module:
terraform -chdir="kubernetes" init
terraform -chdir="kubernetes" apply -var-file=$tfvars -auto-approve
On your own solutions you might choose to use yaml
files, but here we are making it everything managed by TF for convenience.
That's it! You can now copy the output aks_get_credentials_command
variable to test Workload Identity with the quick-start
Connect using kubectl
and check the response:
az aks get-credentials -g "<resource-group-name>" -n "<aks-name>"
kubectl logs quick-start
You should see the output: successfully got secret, secret=Hello!
Delete the resources to avoid unwanted costs:
terraform -chdir='azure' destroy -var-file=$tfvars -auto-approve