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This is a PowerShell module for managing EMC Unity arrays (physical or virtual). Unity-Powershell is a member of the DevHigh5 program from {code} by Dell EMC(tm).

With this module (version 0.15.0) you can manage:

  • System (DNS,NTP...),
  • Pools (Virtual and physical deployment),
  • Fast Cache (Physical deployment only),
  • LUN (block),
  • VMware LUN (block and NFS),
  • NASServer,
  • Filesystem,
  • CIFS Server and Shares,
  • NFS Server and Shares,
  • vCenter and ESXi servers,
  • iSCSI parameters,
  • Snapshots and snapshots schedules,
  • Performance metrics.

More functionalities will be added later.


This module try to mimic VMware PowerCLI usage. All resources management functions are available with the powershell's verbs GET, NEW, SET, REMOVE. For example, you can manage Pools with the following commands:

  • Get-UnityPool
  • New-UnityPool
  • Set-UnityPool
  • Remove-UnityPool

Some functions accept pipelining. For example, if you want to delete all the existing LUNS you can do this:

Get-UnityLUN | Remove-UnityLUN


  • Powershell 5 (If possible get the latest version)
  • An EMC Unity array ! (virtual or physical)


Install the module

#Automated installation (Powershell 5):
    Install-Module Unity-Powershell

# Or manual setup
    # Download the repository
    # Unblock the zip
    # Extract the Unity-Powershell folder to a module path (e.g. $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\)

# Import the module
    Import-Module Unity-Powershell  #Alternatively, Import-Module \\Path\To\Unity-Powershell

# Get commands in the module
    Get-Command -Module Unity-Powershell

# Get help
    Get-Help Get-UnityUser -Full
    Get-Help Unity-Powershell


Connection to the Unity array

The first thing to do is to connect to an EMC Unity array with the command Connect-Unity:

# Connect to the Unity array
    Connect-Unity -Server

    Server       User  Name     Model    SerialNumber
    ------       ----  ----     -----    ------------ admin UnityDemo UnityVSA VIRT1919K58MXM

The parameter -TrustAllCerts allow to accept or not untrusted certificates. It is set to $True by default.

# Connect to the Unity array without allowing untrusted certificates
    Connect-Unity -Server -TrustAllCerts $false

    Server       User  Name     Model    SerialNumber
    ------       ----  ----     -----    ------------ admin UnityDemo UnityVSA VIRT1919K58MXM

LUN Management

You can create a new LUN New-UnityLUN, retrieves informations Get-UnityLUN, modify his properties Set-UnityLUN or delete it Remove-UnityLUN

# Create a block LUN
    New-UnityLUN -Name 'LUN01' -Pool 'pool_1' -Size '10GB'

    Id    Name  Pool          IsThinEnabled TieringPolicy SizeTotal   SizeAllocated Type
    --    ----  ----          ------------- ------------- ---------   ------------- ----
    sv_94 LUN01 @{id=pool_1} True          Autotier_High 10737418240 0             Standalone

# Retrieve informations about block LUN

    Id    Name  Pool          IsThinEnabled TieringPolicy SizeTotal   SizeAllocated Type
    --    ----  ----          ------------- ------------- ---------   ------------- ----
    sv_94 LUN01 @{id=pool_1} True          Autotier_High 10737418240 0             Standalone
    sv_95 LUN02 @{id=pool_1} True          Autotier_High 10737418240 0             Standalone

# Delete a LUN
    Remove-UnityLUN -ID 'sv_95'

Users Management

You can add a new user New-UnityUser, modify his properties Set-UnityUSer or delete it Remove-UnityUser.

# Retrieve informations about a specific user
    Get-UnityUser -Name 'demo'

    Id        Name Role
    --        ---- ----
    user_demo demo @{id=storageadmin}

# Change the role of the user from storageadmin to operator
    Get-UnityUser -Name 'demo' | Set-UnityUser -Role 'operator'

    Id        Name Role
    --        ---- ----
    user_demo demo @{id=operator}  

# Delete an user
    Remove-UnityUser -ID 'user_demo'

Query ressources

For testing purpose you can query all the ressources of the array with the command Get-UnityItem. You have to provide the URI of the ressource with the parameter -URI. It will returns a powershell object or a JSON item (with the parameter -JSON)without any formatting.

# Retrieve informations about ntp servers. Result is a powershell object
    $response = Get-UnityItem -URI '/api/types/ntpServer/instances?fields=id,addresses'

    id addresses
    -- ---------
    0  {}

# Retrieve informations about ntp servers. result is in the JSON format
    $response = Get-UnityItem -URI '/api/types/ntpServer/instances?fields=id,addresses' -JSON


# Disconnect from the EMC Unity Array


Erwan Quélin

Special Thanks

  • David Muegge for his blog post about using EMC Unity API with powershell
  • Warren F. for his blog post 'Building a Powershell module'
  • Chris Wahl for his blog posts about powershell and REST API.


Copyright 2016-2017 Erwan Quelin and the community.

Licensed under the MIT License.