A curated list of awesome things related to Vue Storefront.
Contributions welcome! Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE-OF-CONDUCT for details.
- Contribute to this Awesome list
- Resources for Vue Storefront
- Projects/Sites Using Vue Storefront
- License
- vue-storefront - The main project which holds most of the documentation.
- vue-storefront-api - The API layer which provides the data to vue-storefront app.
- tb2vuestorefront - Prestashop integration
- mage2vuestorefront - Magento 2 data bridge.
- magento1-vsbridge - Magento 1.9 data bridge.
- bigcommerce2vuestorefront - BigCommerce data bridge
- coreshop-vsbridge - Pimcore data bridge.
- django-oscar-api-vue-storefront
- woocommerce2vuestorefront - WooCommerce data bridge
- odoo integration - Odoo integration for VSF
- Integration boilerplate - Boilerplate to add additional 3rd party platform.
- magento2-review-api - Long awaited Magento2 API for reviews!
- magento2-cms-api - Custom CMS API endpoints which retrieves CMS pages and blocks filtered.
- magento2-vsbridge-indexer - Magento 2 native data bridge indexer.
- External Checkout
- Magento External Checkout
- Paypal payment integration
- Adyen payment integration
- Braintree payment integration
- Stripe Payment integration (1.0.0 for old version, and start from 2.0.0 for new versions of
) - Contentful integration
- Prismic integration
- Wordpress intergation
- Storyblok integration (visual editor)
- Mouseflow integration
- Facebook Pixel
- Request for quotation (RFQ) integration
- Layered Navigation with Multiselect filters and Price Slider
- Intercom integration
- URL Mapping fallback
- VoiceCommerce - Adds Alexa and Google Assistant to Vue Storefront.
- Wordpress integration - Wordpress integration
- VueStorefront XML sitemap generator for Magento 2
- Introductio to Vue storefront
- How to create an Instagram Feed module for Vue Storefront
- Developing a Vue Storefront payment module
- Kentaur
- Klebefieber
- Maxxium
- Majorrum
- MyHealthCare
- Damian
- One Open Sky
- Special
- CucinaBarilla
- 212Performance
- La Nature
- Wonect
- Kubota
- DWShop
- Ribatex
- Malianta
- Flyn
- SoBored
- Agregatoreat
- Meubelplaats
If you are creator of VS shop fell free to propose a PR
To the extent possible under law, @frqnck has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.