Term Glossary Guide
This project is a simple Ruby on Rails application for managing a glossary of terms used in a company or project. Users can add, search, and view terms with details such as schema name, table name, column name, and description. This is useful for maintaining a searchable reference guide for database terms or other technical vocabularies.
Features Add New Terms: Users can create new terms with the following details: Schema Name Table Name Column Name Description Search Terms: Users can search terms by name, schema, table, or column name. View All Terms: Users can view a list of all terms in the database. Edit or Delete Terms: Terms can be edited or deleted from the interface. Detail View: Each term has a detailed view that shows all its information. Screenshots Main Page - Term List
New Term Form
Getting Started Prerequisites Make sure you have the following installed:
Ruby version 3.3.2 Rails version 7.2.1 SQLite3 (or other configured database)
Installation :
1.Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/term-glossary-guide.git cd term-glossary-guide
2.Install the required gems:
bundle install
3.Set up the database:
rails db:create db:migrate
4.Start the Rails server:
rails server
5.Visit the app in your browser:
Usage Create New Term: Navigate to /terms/new and fill in the details. Search: Use the search bar on the main page to search for terms. Show All Terms: Click the "Show All Terms" link to see all terms in the database.
Project Structure Models: Contains the Term model, which represents a glossary entry. Controllers: TermsController handles the logic for creating, searching, editing, and deleting terms. Views: Contains the user interface files, including forms and term listings. Example Term Fields Schema Name: Database schema where the table resides. Table Name: The table in which the column exists. Column Name: The specific column in the table. Description: A detailed explanation of the column or term.
Contributing Fork the repository. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch). Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature'). Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch). Create a new Pull Request.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.