Discord chat bot using DiscordPy & OpenAI GPT-3 model.
- Download or Clone repository.
- On the folder open a terminal
- "pip install -r requirements" (If you dont have pip, go PyPi.org and download)
- In the Discord Developer Portal (discord.com/developers) open a New Project and get your Bot Token. !!!DO NOT SHARE YOUR BOT TOKEN ANYWHERE
- Insert your bot token into variable named "token" in line7
- From OpenAI get your account token. (https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys) !Also Do Not Share Your OpenAI Token anywhere.
- Insert your OpenAI Acoount token into variable named "ai.api_key" in line 8
- "python3 discordbot.py"
- And then add your bot into your server. (https://discordjs.guide/preparations/adding-your-bot-to-servers.html)
- Now you can use the bot. ($$gpt {Input})