Sensor reader and processor
Runs on Python and Circuit Python.
python sensor script. initial sensors: CO2 sensor, LTR390, CCS811. And that other PM25 sensor. sinks: Blinka, MQTT, Adafruit, RPC serial, console (for debugging or whatever).
Sensors and sinks for environment script. Defined in external secrets like file If no sensor file on target will copy Put it in its own public repo
scripts/, src/, README, etc/services files, etc
inst-circpy (includes circup), install-linux (includes service).,, then ones specific to a given platform.
install script of circuit python; copy to path, then circup install --auto
To use MCP2221 to read sensors, set the following environment variable:
export BLINKA_MCP2221="1"
each sensor: initialize: all take I2C read: reads sensor and returns map of values. returns None if sensor not active or available?
standard readings where applicable: temperature (in Fake units) humidity (relative by default)
todo: pass in parameter to "construction" (optionally) to specify other measurements to capture, and perhaps the target reading