A BOSH release for deploying the bits-service.
Simply follow instructions in cf-deployment and the Ops-file README for experimental to add bits-service.yml
and other necessary Ops-files (documented there as well) to enable the Bits-Service.
To run bits-service tests, you need to deploy it with upload size limits set to lower values.
Generate deployment manifest with --size-limits
and deploy.
./scripts/generate-cf-with-bits-service-enabled-bosh-lite-manifest local --size-limits
Be advised that the deployment should have succeeded before at least once, otherwise CloudFoundry post-install scripts will fail to run with this stricter limits.
Configure test execution:
export BITS_SERVICE_MANIFEST=./deployments/cf-with-bits-service-enabled.yml
export CC_API=https://api.bosh-lite.com
export CC_PASSWORD=xxx
export CC_USER=admin
The following two lines need to be present in your /etc/hosts
to run the tests: bits-service.service.cf.internal bits-service.bosh-lite.com blobstore.service.cf.internal
Then run:
bundle install
bundle exec rake
The pipeline is publicly visible at https://ci.flintstone.cf.cloud.ibm.com. The sources are located at bits-service-ci.