This is a small script with which you can extract the private keys of your addresses from the mnemonic seed of the defichain lightwallet.
It uses the official libraries of the defichain developers to calculate the private keys.
This script aims to give everyone the possibility to extract their private keys from lightwallet without having to deal with these complex typescript libraries.
You should preferably install the latest version of NodeJs
Be able to clone a git repository
Install NodeJs
Clone this Git repository
git clone
Open the cloned repository and install the required dependencies
cd DefichainExtractPrivateKeys npm install # installs all required dependencies witch are listed in package.json
Run the script
node index.js # runs the script
npx tsc # compiles typescript code to javascript code: index.ts to index.js node index.js # runs the script
Follow the steps in your console: You can see an example below
import the private key into your defichain full node and control your lightwallet address via the full node
defi-cli importprivkey L5njaFbrQ4nu7ao7a3ocrcrT3n5PnyiftHEY8A31HLDY3CY7d6cb # private key is not valid
Be careful when using this script. If your computer is compromised, disclosing the private keys could lead to a total loss of your coins.
I am still a beginner when it comes to TypeScript and JavaScript. If you want to improve or fix something, feel free to open a pull request or an issue.