Openclassrooms Symfony project (P6)
Demo application URL:
Demo application user connection details:
Login: eric
Pwd : eric
Codacy and Codeclimate code analysis accessible here:
On the production server, in the root folder of the web site, launch these commands:
wget unzip mv P6-project-master/* P6-project-master/.* . rm -r P6-project-master/ rm
On the dev server, build the assets files for the production:
./node_modules/.bin/encore production
and transfer these files to the production server using FTP or rsync.
- On the production server:
a. At this point, make sure that the Document Root of the web site is the root directory of the web site: check that no virtualhost is configured for the Document Root to be a subdirectory.
b. Check that the Symfony requirements are OK:
If not, fix the issues.
c. Make a copy of the ".env.dist", call this copy ".env" and edit it this way:
- APP_ENV=prod
- APP_SECRET: 32 random characters (letters & figures)
- In DATABASE_URL, enter a string of this form "mysql://mysql_login:mysql_password@mysql_server_IP:mysql_port_number/database_name" where:
o mysql_login = MySQL user login (ex : root)
o mysql_password = this user's password
o mysql_server_IP = MySQL server IP address (ex :
o mysql_port_number = MySQL server port (ex : 3306)
o database_name = database name
d. Manually create the MySQL database and grant all privileges for the MySQL user configured in the ".env" file.
e. Execute these commands:
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader --no-scripts
composer require symfony/dotenv
php bin/console cache:clear
php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
f. Configure a virtualhost for the Document Root to be the "public" folder.
- Through a web navigator, browse to this URL to initialize the hard-coded trick groups:
==> The production server is ready to go!
Edit the "phpunit.xml.dist" file. On the following line:
env name="DATABASE_URL" value="mysql://root:@"/
insert the database connection details like in the ".env" file. -
Run these commands to load the fixtures and perform the unit tests:
composer update php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load php bin/phpunit
==> If the unit tests are OK, the development environment is ready.