Magithub is a collection of interfaces to GitHub integrated into Magit workflows:
- Repository creation
- Forking
- Pull request listing and creation
- Issue listing and creation
- Labeling
- Status checks
- ...
as well as support for working offline.
Happy hacking!
GitHub rate-limits unauthenticated requests heavily, so Magithub does
not support making such requests. Consequently, ghub
must be
authenticated before using Magithub -- see its README for
those instructions.
(use-package magithub
:after magit
:config (magithub-feature-autoinject t))
See the full documentation for more details.
See the FAQ in the full documentation. If your question isn't answered there, drop by the Gitter room.
I'm gainfully and happily employed with a company that frowns on moonlighting, so unfortunately I can't accept any monetary support. Instead, please direct any and all support to Magit itself!
There used to be another magithub
: nex3/magithub.
It's long-since unsupported and apparently has many issues
(see nex3/magithub#11
and nex3/magithub#13) and
was removed from MELPA some years ago. If you have it
installed or configured, you may wish to remove/archive that
configuration to avoid name-clash issues. Given that the package has
been defunct for over three years and is likely abandoned, the present
package's name will not be changing.