Dockerized version of Asciidoctor-PDF, useful to generate PDFs from Asciidoc files, including themes, exposing asciidoctor-pdf
as entrypoint and /document
as mounted volume where to build the file
To build your own documents as PDF, simply run the container as:
docker run --rm -v /path/to/your/document/folder/:/document/ madduci/docker-asciidoctor-pdf /document/your_document.adoc
If you want to use some custom styles, just run it as
docker run --rm -v /path/to/your/document/folder/:/document/ madduci/docker-asciidoctor-pdf -a pdf-stylesdir=/document/resources/themes -a pdf-style=your_style -a pdf-fontsdir=/document/resources/fonts /document/your_document.adoc
and it will generate the pdf in the mounted volume /document