Puppet module for installing, configuring and managing a docker 2.0 authorization server (specifically cesanta implementation)
This module is currently only for RedHat clones 7.x:
In order to print the yaml config file, we are using some lib files from puppet-elasticsearch module.
include docker_auth
If you want to start the server from a container (manage_as => 'container'), you will need to create the folder where $config_file will be written, outside of this module:
file { '/etc/docker_auth/': ensure => 'directory', }
class { '::docker_distribution':
manage_as => 'container',
container_image => 'docker.io/registry:2.6.0',
http_tls => true,
storage_delete => true,
auth_type => 'token',
auth_token_realm => "https://${::fqdn}:5002/auth",
auth_token_issuer => 'Auth Service',
auth_token_rootcertbundle => "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/${::fqdn}.pem",
class { '::docker_auth':
manage_as => 'container',
container_image => 'docker.io/cesanta/docker_auth:1.2',
container_log_local => false,
server_addr => ':5002',
Note that if you set container_log_local to true (default is false), logs from the docker_auth container will be written to a directory, /var/log/docker_auth on the docker engine system.
Use the above for a local docker distribution proxy (works only with distribution version 2.6 and up):
class { '::docker_distribution':
manage_as => 'container',
container_image => 'docker.io/registry:2.6.0',
http_tls => true,
storage_delete => true,
proxy_remoteurl => 'https://distribution-01.company.net',