Generate media html (YouTube, Vimeo, Kickstarter etc.) based on the url.
Add following require to your composer.json
For Laravel 5:
"cohensive/embed": "dev-master"
// or
"cohensive/embed": "5.5.*"
For Laravel 4:
"cohensive/embed": "4.3.*"
Then run composer install
or composer update
to download it and autoload.
In providers
array you need to add new package:
'providers' => array(
In aliases:
'aliases' => array(
'Embed' => 'Cohensive\Embed\Facades\Embed'
$embed = Embed::make('')->parseUrl()
// Will return Embed class if provider is found. Otherwie will return false - not found. No fancy errors for now.
if ($embed) {
// Set width of the embed.
$embed->setAttribute(['width' => 600]);
// Print html: '<iframe width="600" height="338" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'.
// Height will be set automatically based on provider width/height ratio.
// Height could be set explicitly via setAttr() method.
echo $embed->getHtml();