Authorization + Authentication + Roles
New features
Update Ernest repository to include Authenticator service 251635612
Allow project field on the yaml 251240726
Add Type field to User entity on user-store 251204926
Update ernest-config-client to include Authentication service 250002712
Avoid "-" as valid char on service name 249252741
Command "enviornment create" 248633351
Command "environment update" 248633160
Command "environment apply" 248632870
Command "environment delete" 248632605
Command "environment import " 247943110
Command "environment diff <id_A> <id_B>" 247943051
Command "environment monitor " 247942982
Command "environment definition [--build ] " 247942912
Command "environment reset " 247942823
Command "environment history " 247942760
Command "environment info " 247942610
Command "environment list" 247942250
Command "project info " 247942017
Command "project list" 247941799
Build Authentication service 247742552
API authentication requests -> Authentication service 247738697
Create Go client (WS-Trust) for ADFS 246012829
Services to Environments 245676326
Datacenters to Projects 245676251
Command "user info" 245659218
Role management 245656510
Groups removal 245656094
Authorization on API-Gateway 245655817
Authorization-Store 245655503
Identify CLI version 242342673
Composable to manage dev services 222655818
Composable to use development mode 222655093
Cucumber tests for 'environment' CLI feature 220175397
Composable Tar issue 255347753
Missing admin claim in authentication token 254376600
New credentials are not mapped to components 253709852
Fix missing natsdb error capture 250987182
CLI version check on API 242767441
Flaky test : service_reset 219492394
Flaky test : remove_elb_and_s3 219492037
Flaky test : delete_rds_instances 219491535
Setup script freezes 214362375
Show version in ernest info 242769143
Fix labstack/echo version and fix all tests with last release 241623730
Output formatting on CLI apply command 234260721
Monit remove formatting 233845949
Versioner to not display empty titles 222345437
AWS::ebs definition-mapper tests 220914639
Unused ernest-cli method manager/manager::createClient 219852148