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Git Commands


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Here is list and syntax of some important git commands that every developer must konw to use git version control effectively

  • Syntax
  • Example

*** get checkout from git repository ***

- git add .
- git commit -m "your comment"
- switch to branch(if required)
- git checkout branch_name

*** create and switch to new branch: ***

- git checkout -b new_branch_name
- git add .
- git commit -m "your comment"
- git push origin branc_name

*** to push code ***

- git add .
- git commit -m "your comment"
- git push origin branc_name

*** pull code (to get latest code) ***

- git add .
- git commit -m "your comment"
- git pull origin master

*** init new repo ***

- cd existing_folder_name
- git init
- git remote add origin "url that end with .git"
- git add .
- git commit -m "Initial commit"
- git push -u origin master

*** create a new repository on the command line. ***

- git init
- git remote add origin
- git add
- git commit -m "first commit"
- git branch -M master
- git push -u origin master

*** push an existing repository from the command line. ***

- git remote add origin
- git branch -M master
- git push -u origin master

*** remove remote origin. ***

- git remote remove origin

*** change/update remote origin. ***

- git remote set-url origin git://

*** reomve local commit from history. ***

- git reset --soft HEAD^1

*** delete local and remote branch ***

-Rename the local branch to the new name
    -If you are on the branch you want to rename:
     git branch -m new-name

    -If you are on a different branch:
     git branch -m old-name new-name
-Delete the old branch on remote - where <remote> is, for example, origin
  git push <remote> --delete <old_name>

-Or shorter way to delete remote branch [:]
  git push <remote> :<old_name>

-Prevent git from using the old name when pushing in the next step.
 Otherwise, git will use the old upstream name instead of <new_name>.
  git branch --unset-upstream <new_name>

-Push the new branch to remote
  git push <remote> <new_name>

-Reset the upstream branch for the new_name local branch
  git push <remote> -u <new_name>
-other way -

*** add tag to commit. ***

- git git add .
- git commit -m "some description"
- git push origin master # push the commit

- git tag # see tag lists
- git tag tag_name ///ex. git tag app_v1.0.0 
- git push origin app_v1.0.0 # push single tag

- git push --tags origin # push all tags

*** delete local tag. ***

- git tag -d app_v1.0.0 

*** delete remote tag. ***

- git push --delete origin app_v1.0.0 

*** user repo without password. ***

- url = https://myusername:[email protected]/my_company/my_project.git
set git remote in above way either in config file or from commandline

*** stash your code ***

-View the list of all stash
  git stash list
-Save stash
  git stash save "message"
-Apply most recent stash entry
  git stash apply
-Remove and apply most recent stash entry
  git stash pop
-Apply specific stash entry
  git stash apply stash@{1}

-Remove most recent stash entry (stash@{0})
  git stash drop stash@{0}
-Remove specific stash entry
  git stash drop stash@{1}

-Clear the stash list
  git stash clear 



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