Releases: esaude/bahmni-core
Releases · esaude/bahmni-core
SESP-POC Package 2
Merge pull request #3 from esaude/MPOC-157 Allow the Api patient search route to bring the birthdateEstimated attribute
SESP Package 1 - Core
- General
- Flag of Mozambique, Username and Health Facility code added on top bar
- Calendar and dates in Portuguese and formated to dd/mm/yyyy
- Created user profile for Recepcionista
- Cosmetic changes
- Improved Portuguese translations
- Registration Module
- Check for duplicate Patients when registering a new Patient
- Added Birth Date to patient search list result. Prints estimated when Birth Date was estimated
- Updated section Dados Antropometricos to calculate BMI for children (under 5 years)
- Added visit types: 1a Consulta APSS&PP, 1a Consulta Clinica, Consulta de Seguimento APSS&PP and Consulta de Seguimento Clinico
- Added list of Professions
- Appointments Module
- Added Appointments service types: Busca Activa, Fármacia, Laboratório, APSS&PP and Consulta Clínica
- Appointments now are in blocks, each block corresponds a period of the day, eg: 7:30AM to 10:00AM, to a total of 3 blocks plus an extra block for specific events
SESP Package 1 - Core
1 Registration Module:
- Portuguese translation
- NID format
- New fields for Address Information, HIV Test locations
- Improved patient search
2 Appointments Module:
- Portuguese translation
- Added new services