Recursion is the act of defining an object or solving a problem in terms of itself
The goal of this book is to teach the reader to think recursively
Mental illness is recursive
writing programs recursively in a lisp is essentially
simple pattern recognition
- car => first
- cdr => rest
- eq? => =
- null? => nil?
- add1 => inc
- sub1 => dec
- lambda => fn (I think?)
- define => def
- pair? => list?
cond => cond
quote => '(1 2 3) or quote
cons => cons
number? => number?
and => and
or => or
zero? => zero?
(concerns scheme) -
(concerns LISP) -
variables and names of primitive operations are
italicized -
keywords are boldface
- atom - not a list, and not a sequence
- lat - list of atoms