Hacker Discords is a List of Hacker/Infosec/CyberSec and related Discord servers.
To contribute to the list, please open a pull request(PR) to submit a server - [NAME], [SERVERNAME], (URL) & (DESCRIPTION) or to add additional information for e.g areas with tag 'N/A' indicating additional information is needed.
"fields": [
"fieldName": "NAME",
"description": "The name of the Discord server."
"fieldName": "SERVERNAME",
"description": "The link to the Discord server."
"fieldName": "URL",
"description": "The owner's domain if available, providing additional information about the server."
"fieldName": "DESCRIPTION",
"description": "A brief description of the server, including its main focus or topics."
Note: For a list of Discords with careers, jobs, and work opportunities, visit Hacker Hiring Discords.
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
0x0539.net | https://discord.gg/n8k3cPZxe9 | N/A | Exploit Research |
1BitSquared | https://1bitsquared.com/pages/chat | https://1bitsquared.com/ | Open-source Hardware and Electrical Engineering. |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
adbs.fi | https://discord.gg/jfVRF2XRwF | N/A | Community-driven flight tracker |
Adversary Village | https://discord.gg/rk44QhQR | N/A | Adversary Village |
Aerospace Village | https://discord.com/invite/gV4EWuk | N/A | Aerospace Village |
Ai Village | discord.gg/xMK7fuu | N/A | Artificial Intelligence Village |
Alomancy's Server | https://discord.gg/bPw3arrhbJ | N/A | Hacker Community |
Amass | https://discord.gg/BjCH28z7f6 | N/A | Network Mapping and External Asset Discovery using OSINT and active recon. |
AND!XOR | https://discord.gg/Frf5VpXN9F | https://www.andnxor.com/ | BadgeLife & 5n4ck3y |
Antisyphon Training | https://discord.gg/antisyphon | N/A | On-Demand Infosec Training & Cyber Ranges |
Athena OS | https://discord.gg/2tM4X4RmA5 | N/A | Athena is an Arch Linux-based distro focused on Cybersecurity |
Atomiczsec Bounty Squad | https://discord.gg/EswRSZNr9f | N/A | atomiczsec, bug bounty |
App School | https://discord.gg/UZvak5t7j5 | N/A | Go-to for software engineering; here to support you becoming a proficient dev |
AppSec Village | https://discord.gg/5XY8qYXd7R | N/A | Application Security Village |
Augmentation Limitless | https://www.patreon.com/user?u=84030408 | N/A | Biohacking, Human Augmentation, Open Cybernetics Community |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
BadgeMakers | http://discord.badge.life | N/A | Badge Life, Electronics, Buy / Sell / Trade / Learn |
Bellingcat | https://discord.gg/bellingcat | N/A | Community for Bellingcat readers and OSINT enthusiasts |
BC Security | discord.gg/P8PZPyf | N/A | Threat Emulation / Training / Red Team / Pentesting / Compliance |
Biohackers Digital | https://discord.com/invite/qtnE8T3 | N/A | Biohacking Community |
Biohacking Village | https://discord.gg/Q8ubDb5 | N/A | Biohacking |
BSides Las Vegas | https://discord.gg/JeeAjMCN | N/A | BSides Las Vegas |
Black Hills Infosec | https://discord.gg/bhis | N/A | Penetration Testing, Red Teaming, and Threat Hunting |
Blue Team Labs Online | https://discord.gg/T8F2jqZwMG | N/A | Blue Team Labs Community |
Blue Team Village | https://discord.gg/blueteamvillage | N/A | Blue Team Village |
Bounty Hunters | https://discord.gg/bugbounty | N/A | Bug Bounty Discussion |
Bugcrowd Community | https://discord.com/invite/TWr3Brs | N/A | Bugcrowd Community |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
CactusCon Community | https://discord.gg/znvNrP5xPB | N/A | Cactus Con Community |
Car Hacking Village HQ | https://discord.gg/JWCCTAM | N/A | Car Hacking Village |
Carolina Con | https://discord.gg/xx6RaeRcD4 | N/A | Carolina Con |
Certification Station | https://discord.gg/certstation | N/A | CISSP, CCSP, CISM, and other certification discussion. |
ChatGPT Hackers | https://discord.gg/d4zDC4u7Ag | N/A | Developers, researchers, hackers, and AI enthusiasts who are building the cutting edge of AI |
ChipWhisperer Chat | https://discord.gg/WKbT3cX9Yq | N/A | Embedded Security, Side-Channel Power Analysis, and Fault Injection. |
Cloud Village | https://discord.gg/7ChUvmEYeF | N/A | DEFCON Cloud Village |
CompTIA Study Group | https://discord.gg/G7j2hMKbF4 | N/A | CompTIA certification discussion |
Control Things | https://discord.gg/ControlThings | N/A | Control Things ICS/OT Security Discord |
Crypto & Privacy Village | https://cryptovillage.slack.com/ | N/A | Email [email protected] to request Slack access |
Cyber Council | https://discord.gg/computers | N/A | CTFs, Bug Bounties, Infosec News Discussion |
Cyberdeck Cafe | https://discord.gg/5rDpDqwXq2 | N/A | Cyberdecks & Cyberdeck Accessories |
Cyber Jobs Hunting | https://discord.gg/cyber-jobs-hunting-777881374555897886 | N/A | Find work and network with peers. |
Cyber Mentor Dojo | https://discord.gg/KFMZ68wG | N/A | Cyber Security Mentorship |
Cyberspatial | https://discord.gg/GaP8VmWchh | N/A | Cyber Security, Culture, and Education made accessible to beginners, enthusiasts, and professionals. |
Cyberwox Academy | https://discord.gg/jUqmShxGuz | N/A | Cybersecurity Community and resource hub for students |
Cyber Tech Ascensions | https://discord.gg/WxesdwCpre | N/A | Cybersecurity Learning Community |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
Darknet Diaries Community | https://discord.gg/darknetdiaries | N/A | Darknet Diaries discussion |
Day[0] | https://discord.gg/K3PUYKZY6P | N/A | Vulnerability Research, Podcast, Canadian |
DeadPixelSec | https://discord.gg/deadpixelsec | N/A | Infosec enthusiasts who have a passion for learning and helping others as well as getting into mischief |
DEF CON | https://discord.gg/defcon | N/A | DEF CON |
DEFCON Furs | https://discord.io/defconfurs | N/A | DEFCON Furries Group |
DEF CON Groups VR | https://discord.gg/bsX4QXf3rD | N/A | DEF CON Groups Virtual Reality |
DEFCON 512 | discord.dc512.org | N/A | DCG Austin, TX |
DevSecOps Community | https://discord.gg/devsecops-community-918181751526948884 | N/A | DevSecOps Community |
DC2 | https://discord.gg/GvjDcCew9Q | N/A | DC² |
DC207 | https://discord.gg/JjpKF6sFW6 | N/A | DEFCON Group 207 - MaineSec |
DCG239 | https://discord.gg/aDTRemnchA | N/A | DEFCON Group 239, SWFLSec |
DCG305 | https://discord.gg/GjAw6vhTua | N/A | DEFCON Group 305 - Miami, FL |
DC615 | https://t.co/tqd0Ewp6HB | N/A | DEFCON Group 615 - Nashville, TN |
DC HHV & SSV | https://discord.gg/FZj45BP5a | N/A | DEFCON Hardware Hacking Village |
Digital Forensics | https://discord.gg/xz5v4WvEaC | N/A | Digital Forensics, DFIR, Blue Team |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
Elttam | https://discord.gg/7C3qR3NVfg | N/A | Australian security researchers |
Eversec | https://discord.com/invite/hT25SYV3X9 | N/A | Eversec |
Exploit Brokers | https://discord.gg/bnh3CSczEz | N/A | Marketplace for Exploits |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
FearlessRevolution | https://discord.gg/xuVyUWr | N/A | FearlessRevolution |
Flipper Zero | https://discord.gg/flipperzero | N/A | Flipper Zero |
Foobar | https://discord.gg/DqW9y4GA | N/A | Infosec Community |
FoxHex Community | https://discord.gg/UWjAcZk | N/A | FoxHex |
FreeCodeCamp Cybersecurity | https://discord.gg/6cMqJk9nQa | N/A | FreeCodeCamp Cybersecurity |
FreeWorld! | https://discord.gg/2EcYcRReYC | N/A | Forensics, Investigations, and Digital Rights |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
Game Hacking | https://discord.gg/94aVgrG | N/A | Game Hacking |
Grief Guild | https://discord.gg/k6hHMkQ2yD | N/A | Grief Guild |
Grindfest | https://discord.gg/kf5vZtSeW7 | N/A | Grindfest |
Graylog Community | https://discord.gg/9k8sMWfszZ | N/A | Graylog Community |
GulaTech Adventures | https://discord.gg/GTj9XgT | N/A | GulaTech Adventures |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
Hack The Box | https://discord.gg/hackthebox | N/A | Hack The Box |
Hacker Family | https://discord.gg/vHs5q5u3yV | N/A | Social hacking group focused on exploiting life |
Hackers Next Door | https://discord.gg/guwNcRtbAz | N/A | Conference bringing together technologists, hackers, artists, and community organizers from across the country. |
Hackerspace Global Grid | https://discord.gg/HeY56ct | N/A | Hackerspace Global Grid |
Hack The Box Community | https://discord.gg/hackthebox | N/A | Hacker Community |
Hackasat | https://discord.gg/zTZ3Kk7 | N/A | Hacking Satellites |
HackSoc | https://discord.gg/K9FJZnaVwD | N/A | HackSoc |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
ILF | https://discord.gg/hp2vZAb9gD | N/A | International Logic Federation |
Immersive Labs | https://discord.gg/YZxe7CEh | N/A | Learn Cybersecurity in your browser. |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
Ladbrokes Coral | https://discord.gg/TuqHRHdnRJ | N/A | Hackathons, Mentorship |
Lost Rabbit Collective | https://discord.gg/WqX3N3v | N/A | An ethical hacking community that aims to be the premier organization for curious and passionate people to come together and practice hacking |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
MalwareTech | https://discord.gg/Z77qRfxA3w | N/A | MalwareTech |
Metasploit | https://discord.gg/EzRSbxv6HR | N/A | Metasploit Framework |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
National Cybersecurity Alliance | https://discord.gg/QEDSFsePTE | N/A | National Cybersecurity Alliance, StaySafeOnline, and the NICE Workforce Development Program |
NetHack | https://discord.gg/ypKkNwF | N/A | Hacker Community |
N0b0dy | https://discord.gg/nobodysec | N/A | Ethical Hacking Community |
NoHat | https://discord.gg/guDtGB73Qs | N/A | Security Podcast, Red Teaming, Pentesting |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
Offensive Security | https://discord.gg/offsec | N/A | Offensive Security Training |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
Pentester Academy | https://discord.gg/pentesteracademy | N/A | Cybersecurity Education |
PlexTrack | https://discord.gg/4eReT3U | N/A | PlexTrack |
PortSwigger Academy | https://discord.gg/portswigger | N/A | Burp Suite discussion |
Purple Team Village | https://discord.gg/RzPz39RnMv | N/A | Purple Team Village |
PwnDefend | https://discord.gg/pwndefend | N/A | PwnDefend |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
R3B00T | https://discord.gg/kVb5gE | N/A | Cyber Security Conference |
Raindrop | https://discord.gg/raindrop | N/A | Cybersecurity Community |
RastaMouse OpenSource | https://discord.gg/ep39u4TFDy | N/A | Dev and Sec Stuff |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
ScyllaDB | https://discord.gg/xXRy7nB | N/A | ScyllaDB Community |
Security BSides | https://discord.gg/bsides | N/A | Security BSides |
Sektor7 | https://discord.gg/Un6UG4gT | N/A | Cybersecurity Education and Training |
Shadow Village | https://discord.gg/shadowvillage | N/A | Cybersecurity Community |
Sigma | https://discord.gg/4NUrZtS6 | N/A | Sigma Rules |
Sinister Linux | https://discord.gg/Nk2D6eU | N/A | Sinister Linux |
Snoopy | https://discord.gg/qF5JdFgD | N/A | Hacker Community |
Space Hacking Village | https://discord.gg/spacehackvillage | N/A | Space Hacking |
SpecOps | https://discord.gg/specops | N/A | Offensive Security |
SSTIC | https://discord.gg/sstic | N/A | SSTIC |
StackHack | https://discord.gg/stackhack | N/A | Hacker Community |
STEGONERDS | https://discord.gg/steegonerds | N/A | OSINT/Steganography |
StrelSec | https://discord.gg/strels | N/A | Security Engineering |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
Team Redminer | https://discord.gg/teamredminer | N/A | Team Redminer |
The Breach | https://discord.gg/thebreach | N/A | Hacker Community |
The Cyber Mentor | https://discord.gg/tcm | N/A | Cybersecurity Mentorship |
The Many Hats Club | https://discord.gg/7FWwJvT | N/A | Infosec, Ethical Hacking, Digital Forensics |
The OSINT Curious Project | https://discord.gg/osint | N/A | OSINT Curious |
The Pwn School Project | https://discord.gg/ftb97rT | N/A | Cybersecurity Learning Community |
The Rabbit Hole | https://discord.gg/therabbithole | N/A | Hacker Community |
Thotcon | https://discord.gg/42ySNzr2 | N/A | Chicago Hacking Conference |
ThreatPursuit VM | https://discord.gg/EebznMPn | N/A | Cybersecurity Learning VM |
TryHackMe | https://discord.gg/tryhackme | N/A | TryHackMe |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
ViperOps | https://discord.gg/viperops | N/A | Offensive Security |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
WeHackPurple | https://discord.gg/wehackpurple | N/A | Application Security Community |
WiCyS | https://discord.gg/WiCyS | N/A | Women in Cybersecurity |
WWHF | https://discord.gg/wwhf | N/A | Wild West Hackin' Fest |
Wylie Digital Forensics | https://discord.gg/wyliedf | N/A | Digital Forensics Community |
WWHF Labsters | https://discord.gg/wwhflabsters | N/A | Wild West Hackin' Fest Labs Community |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
XSS | https://discord.gg/xss | N/A | Cross-Site Scripting Community |
Name | Discord Server | URL | Description |
Zsecurity | https://discord.gg/zsecurity | N/A | Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity |
Zocurity | https://discord.gg/Ue8qcHG6ds | N/A | Offensive Security |
ZeroPointSecurity | https://discord.gg/zeropointsecurity | N/A | Cybersecurity Training |
If for any reason you would like to request a Discord server be removed please open a PR. This list is meant for non-malicious purposes exclusively.