Repeatable windows 10 development environment. Installs and configures all the tools.
- Visual Studio Code
- Git (Will Reboot After)
- Github CLI
- Github Desktop
- WSL Ubuntu 20.04 (Reboot)
- WSL Ubuntu 20.04 (Manual Configure Step)
- Powershell 7+
- Windows Terminal Preview
- Docker Desktop (Reboot)
- Download and Install Meslo and Caskaydia Cove Fonts
- Download Pwsh Modules (posh-git, PSReadline, zoxide, oh-my-posh, Terminal-Icons, fzf)
- Create SSH Key pair
- Set SSH Github credentials
- Import Custom settings files (Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1, settings.json (windows terminal))
- Linux Updates
- Curl
- Git
- Github CLI
- Visual Studio Code (Server)
- Download unzip
- Download/Install Zsh and Zsh modules (git, ssh-agent, tmux, zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-completions, zoxide, oh-my-posh, lsd, fzf)
- Create SSH Key pair
- Set SSH Github credentials
- Import Custom settings files (.zshrc, .tmux.config)
IMPORTANT!!! The program will need input from the user in order to proceed with every step, it is not an unattended type of script... yet...
First of all this program uses Winget (A command line tool) to install everything, so you'll need to have installed the App Installer from the Microsoft Store.
Second, make sure Windows Powershell ExecutionPolicy is at least RemoteSigned. (Run this as Administrator)
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- You have to be in the project's root folder to execute the line below
Start-Process 'powershell.exe' -Wait -Verb runAs -ArgumentList '-Command Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned'; ./init.ps1