A neovim configuration written in Rust using noib3/nvim-oxi and mlua-rs/mlua.
Started as a joke, but turns out it's actually pretty nice, and now I'm actually using it as my daily setup.
No screenshots because it's, visually, completely stock right now.
Current features:
- 4-space indents
- Relative line numbers
- Highlight-on-Yank
- Transparent background (For terminals that support it)
- stevearc/oil.nvim for file navigation
- echasnovski/mini.icons for icons
- echasnovski/mini.pairs for auto-pairs
- nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter for highlights
- Basic options/globals/commands
- Setup folke/lazy for plugin management
- Install the only important plugin, stevearc/oil.nvim
- Disable default neovim plugins
- Disable mouse
- Something for auto-pairs
- Treesitter for highlights
- Install a color theme
- nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim or something like it
- Clone this repo into
- Build with
- Copy the output
- Set the env-var
Of course. It's blazingly fast.
Its actually not even faster than a pure-Lua version would be. It might even be slower because of the interop layer.
All of the plugins are still written in Lua anyways...
You know what that means...
This project was inspired by:
- rewhile/CatNvim - A neovim config written in C
- turboladen/ - A neovim config written in Rust
If you want to try it out yourself, also check out the examples directory in nvim-oxi