Takes a list of files and splits them into partial lists that when passed to tar will create archives of a specified size.
Feed it a list of files and you get one or more tar archives.
# where to store files
# create input file lists and tar archive and verify result
find /tmp -type f | files2tar --tar-size 1M --tar-max-size 5M example $out
Feed it a list of files and you get one or more file lists for further processing. e.g. for submiting to a batch system where archives are created in parallel.
# where to store files
# create input file lists
find /tmp -type f | files2tar --tar-size 1M --tar-max-size 1G --no-archive example $out
# create tar archives
for list in $out/*.files; do
tar --create --verbose \
--directory / \
--files-from "$list" \
--index-file "${archive}.index" \
-f "$archive"
# verify created archives against the file system
for archive in $out/*.tar; do
tar --compare \
--directory / \
-f "$archive"