Download it from here.
This plugin extends the default plugin available in gazebo_ros_control. In particular, it adds the following additional feature:
- Enable joint filtering
Since the robot is made of a UR5 and a Pisa/IIT hand, we need to assign only a specific set of joints to one plugin and then use several plugins under different robotNamespaces. This is possible using the tag filterJointsParam.
Install it, following this procedure.
- Create the build directory
$ mkdir ~/cob_gazebo_plugins/cob_gazebo_ros_control/build
$ cd ~/cob_gazebo_plugins/cob_gazebo_ros_control/build
- Compile the code.
$ cmake ../
$ make
Compiling will result in a shared library, ~/cob_gazebo_plugins/cob_gazebo_ros_control/build/devel/lib/
, that can be inserted in a Gazebo simulation.
- Lastly, add your library path to the GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH:
$ export GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH=${GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH}:~/cob_gazebo_plugins/cob_gazebo_ros_control/build/devel/lib/
Note: This changes the path only for the current shell. If you want to use your plugin for every new temrinal you open, append the line above to the ~/.bashrc
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:v-launchpad-jochen-sprickerhof-de/pcl
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libpcl-all
roslaunch ur5_plan_grasp ur5_sim.launch
Spawn the UR5 robot and Pisa/IIT hand on a table.
The following controllers are enabled:
roslaunch ur5_moveit moveit_rviz.launch
roslaunch ur5_plan_grasp vision.launch
In Rviz you can visualize:
- PointCloud2
- MarkerArray
- PoseArray
roslaunch ur5_plan_grasp trajectory_planner.launch
Two trajectories will be planned:
- Approach: the hand will go close to the object
- Lift off: the hand will raise up while grabbing the object
For the second trajectory the planner will wait for the success of the grasping action.
roslaunch ur5_plan_grasp graspit.launch
For a tighter grasp you can adjust the value of the parameter grasp_value
(between 0 and 1) within the launch file.