It's a usable to very simply toast in swift.
- Overlap to UI screen keyboard.
- Easily show string or attributed string.
- Easily set displaying duration and position.
pod 'FLToast', '~> x.x.x'
Add in 'Podfile'. and run pod install.
import FLToast
Add swift code in your project.
Toast(text: "It's a SIMPLE Toast message.").show()
This is the most basic usage.
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "It's an Attributed Toast message.\n", attributes: [.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14.0), .foregroundColor:])
Toast(text: attributedString).show()
It's show an attributed string.
Toast.makeText("It's a Top Toast message.").setGravity(.top).show()
Toast.makeText("It's a Middle Toast message.").setGravity(.middle).show()
Toast.makeText("It's a Top Bottom message.").setGravity(.bottom).show()
It can a specify the display position of message.
Toast.makeText("It's a Long (5s) Toast message.").setDuration(.long).show()
Toast.makeText("It's a Custom Duration (10s) Toast message.").setDuration(10.0).show()
It can specify the display duration of the message.