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Implement decoding factor graph state to spin values (#4)
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* Implement decoding factor graph state to spin values

* Add more tests for decoding factor graph state to to spin configuration
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dexter2206 authored May 4, 2021
1 parent 6223a7a commit 6a5ab53
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Showing 2 changed files with 134 additions and 1 deletion.
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion src/factor.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
export factor_graph, rank_reveal, projectors, split_into_clusters
export factor_graph, rank_reveal, projectors, split_into_clusters, decode_factor_graph_state

function split_into_clusters(ig::LabelledGraph{S, T}, assignment_rule) where {S, T}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,3 +91,13 @@ function rank_reveal(energy, order=:PE)

order == :PE ? (P, E) : (E, P)

function decode_factor_graph_state(fg, state::Vector{Int})
all_spins = vcat([vertices(get_prop(fg, v, :cluster)) for v vertices(fg)]...)
spin_perm = sortperm(all_spins)

[get_prop(fg, v, :spectrum).states[i] for (i, v) zip(state, vertices(fg))]...
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions test/factor.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,3 +174,126 @@ end
@test E * Pr E_old
@test Pl * E * Pr energy

function create_example_factor_graph()
J12 = -1.0
h1 = 0.5
h2 = 0.75

D = Dict((1, 2) => J12, (1, 1) => h1, (2, 2) => h2)
ig = ising_graph(D)

Dict((1, 1) => 2, (1, 2) => 2),
spectrum = full_spectrum,
cluster_assignment_rule = Dict(1 => (1, 1), 2 => (1, 2)),

const fg_state_to_spin = [
([1, 1], [-1, -1]), ([1, 2], [-1, 1]), ([2, 1], [1, -1]), ([2, 2], [1, 1])

@testset "Decoding solution gives correct spin assignment" begin
fg = create_example_factor_graph()
for (state, spin_values) fg_state_to_spin
@test decode_factor_graph_state(fg, state) == spin_values

Instance below looks like this:
1 -- 2 -- 3
| | |
4 -- 5 -- 6
| | |
7 -- 8 -- 9
And we group the following spins together: [1, 2, 4, 5], [3, 6], [7, 8], [9].
function create_larger_example_factor_graph()
instance = Dict(
(1, 1) => 0.5,
(2, 2) => 0.25,
(3, 3) => 0.3,
(4, 4) => 0.1,
(5, 5) => 0.0,
(6, 6) => -2.0,
(7, 7) => -1.0,
(8, 8) => 2.0,
(9, 9) => 3.1,
(1, 2) => -1.0,
(2, 3) => 1.0,
(4, 5) => 0.5,
(5, 6) => -0.3,
(7, 8) => 0.1,
(8, 9) => 2.2,
(1, 4) => -1.7,
(4, 7) => 1.2,
(2, 5) => 0.2,
(5, 8) => 0.3,
(3, 6) => 1.1,
(6, 9) => 0.7

ig = ising_graph(instance)

assignment_rule = Dict(
1 => (1, 1),
2 => (1, 1),
4 => (1, 1),
5 => (1, 1),
3 => (1, 2),
6 => (1, 2),
7 => (2, 1),
8 => (2, 1),
9 => (2, 2)

fg = factor_graph(
Dict{NTuple{2, Int}, Int}(),
spectrum = full_spectrum,
cluster_assignment_rule = assignment_rule,

ig, fg

function factor_graph_energy(fg, state)
# This is highly inefficient, but simple, which makes it suitable for testing.
# If such a function is needed elsewhere, we need to implement it properly.
total_en = 0.0

# Collect local terms from each cluster
for (s, v) zip(state, vertices(fg))
total_en += get_prop(fg, v, :spectrum).energies[s]

# Collect inter-cluster terms
for edge edges(fg)
i, j = fg.reverse_label_map[src(edge)], fg.reverse_label_map[dst(edge)]
pl, en, pr = get_prop(fg, edge, :pl), get_prop(fg, edge, :en), get_prop(fg, edge, :pr)
edge_energy = pl * en * pr
total_en += edge_energy[state[i], state[j]]


@testset "Decoding solution gives spins configuration with corresponding energies" begin
ig, fg = create_larger_example_factor_graph()

# Corresponding bases sizes for each cluster are 16, 4, 4, 2.
all_states = [[i, j, k, l] for i 1:16 for j 1:4 for k 1:4 for l 1:2]

for state all_states
spins = decode_factor_graph_state(fg, state)
@test factor_graph_energy(fg, state) energy(spins, ig)

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