Scripts to calculate performance indicators for the MADROB and BEAST benchmarks, from the Eurobench project.
Two algorithms have been implemented: pi_bullet_walking
and pi_bullet_walkingComplete
The following PIs are implemented:
The PIs require the condition file condition_Y.yaml
and the following preprocessed data files:
The following PIs are implemented:
The PIs require the condition file condition_Y.yaml
and the following preprocessed data files:
Each PI writes the result to a yaml
file with the same name of the PI.
Example: The capability_level
PI write the results to capability_level.yaml
For both Madrob and Beast, X
, Y
, Z
are the subject number, condition number and run number respectively.
The preprocessed data files are generated during the benchmark execution and are named following the specification in experiment_data.
The preprocessed files and raw data files are collected in a different directory for each run, named subject_X_cond_Y_run_Z_T
, where T is a timestamp that ensures each run is saved in a different directory.
Note that files referring to the same condition (e.g., condition_1.yaml) are present in multiple run directories, but have the same content.
Pip can be used to install this module locally:
git clone
cd madrob_beast_pi
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e src/madrob_beast_pi
Using the virtual environment, the package and dependencies is installed locally in the folder venv
To deactivate the virtual environment, type deactivate
To install permanently the code, only use the last command.
Note: When adding or modifying Performance Indicators, run the installation command again.
To keep the PIs up-to-date, run git pull
and the installation command.
All PI associated to madrob can be launched using (assuming folder out_tests
run_madrob tests/madrob/input/subject_001_cond_001_run_001_event.csv tests/madrob/input/subject_001_cond_001_run_001_wrench.csv tests/madrob/input/subject_001_cond_001_run_001_jointState.csv tests/madrob/input/condition_1.yaml out_tests
All PI associated to beast can be launched using (assuming folder out_tests
run_beast tests/beast/input/subject_001_cond_001_run_001_event.csv tests/beast/input/subject_001_cond_001_run_001_distance.csv tests/beast/input/subject_001_cond_001_run_001_wrench.csv tests/beast/input/condition_1.yaml out_tests
The Dockerfile in this project can be used to build the Docker image for madrob and beast:
docker build -t=pi_madrob_beast .
An image is available from the Docker Hub. It can be directly installed on a Linux machine using:
docker pull eurobenchtest/pi_madrob_beast
Assuming the tests/madrob/input contains the input data, the PI output will be written to out_tests
docker run --rm -v $PWD/tests/madrob/input:/in -v $PWD/out_tests:/out pi_madrob_beast run_madrob /in/subject_001_cond_001_run_001_event.csv /in/subject_001_cond_001_run_001_wrench.csv /in/subject_001_cond_001_run_001_jointState.csv /in/condition_1.yaml /out
Assuming the tests/beast/input contains the input data, the PI output will be written to out_tests:
docker run --rm -v $PWD/tests/beast/input:/in -v $PWD/out_tests:/out pi_madrob_beast run_beast /in/subject_001_cond_001_run_001_event.csv /in/subject_001_cond_001_run_001_distance.csv /in/subject_001_cond_001_run_001_wrench.csv /in/condition_1.yaml /out
The tests/madrob/input and tests/beast/input directories contain preprocessed .csv
files and a condition .yaml
The tests/madrob/output and tests/beast/output directories contain the PIs output .yaml
These files are from a real benchmark run, and can be used to test the run_pi
command and Docker images.
Supported by Eurobench - the European robotic platform for bipedal locomotion benchmarking. More information: Eurobench website
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 779963.
The opinions and arguments expressed reflect only the author‘s view and reflect in no way the European Commission‘s opinions. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.