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- Chebyshev7 is the default engine, Chebyshev3 is eliminated.
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- bump to 2.3.0-beta.3
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evaleev committed Jan 12, 2017
1 parent 5963980 commit 80d829b
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Following is a brief summary of changes made in each release of Libint.

- 2017-xx-yy: 2.3.0-beta.3
- boys.h requires C++11
- boys.h requires C++11; Chebyshev7 is the default Boys engine, Chebyshev3 is gone.

- 2016-12-15: 2.3.0-beta.2
- fixed a bug in r12 core integrals code
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/progman/
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erieval.contrdepth = 1;
// - initialize Boys function evaluator
FmEval_Chebyshev3 fmeval(max_am);
FmEval_Chebyshev7 fmeval(max_am);

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/progman/progman.tex
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// initialize Boys function engine to support m values up to mmax
// not thread-safe, should be constructed by main thread
libint2::FmEval_Chebyshev3 fmeval(mmax);
libint2::FmEval_Chebyshev7 fmeval(mmax);

// double* Fm initialized somewhere else
// on return Fm[m], m=0..M, contains Fm(T)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion export/configure.export
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304 changes: 14 additions & 290 deletions include/libint2/boys.h
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/** Computes the Boys function, \$ F_m (T) = \int_0^1 u^{2m} \exp(-T u^2) \, {\rm d}u \$,
* using 3-rd order Chebyshev interpolation.
* based on the code from ORCA by Dr. Frank Neese.
template <typename Real = double>
class FmEval_Chebyshev3 {

static const int NGRID = 4096; //!< number of grid points
static const int INTERPOLATION_ORDER = 4; //!< interpolation order + 1
static const bool INTERPOLATION_AND_RECURSION = false; //!< compute F_lmax(T) and then iterate down to F_0(T)? Else use interpolation only

const Real T_crit; //!< critical value of T above which safe to use upward recusion
const Real delta; //!< grid size
const Real one_over_delta; //! 1/delta
int mmax; //!< the maximum m that is tabulated
ExpensiveNumbers<double> numbers_;
Real *c; /* the Chebyshev coefficients table, NGRID by mmax*interpolation_order */

/// \param m_max maximum value of the Boys function index; set to -1 to skip initialization
/// \param precision the desired precision
FmEval_Chebyshev3(int m_max, double = 0.0) :
T_crit(30.0), // this translates in appr. 1e-15 error in upward recursion, see the note below
delta(T_crit / (NGRID - 1)),
one_over_delta(1.0 / delta),
mmax(m_max), numbers_(14) {
assert(mmax <= 63);
if (m_max >= 0)
~FmEval_Chebyshev3() {
if (mmax >= 0) {

/// Singleton interface allows to manage the lone instance; adjusts max m values as needed in thread-safe fashion
static const std::shared_ptr<FmEval_Chebyshev3>& instance(int m_max, double = 0.0) {

// thread-safe per C++11 standard [6.7.4]
static auto instance_ = std::shared_ptr<FmEval_Chebyshev3>{};

const bool need_new_instance = !instance_ || (instance_ && instance_->max_m() < m_max);
if (need_new_instance) {
auto new_instance = std::make_shared<FmEval_Chebyshev3>(m_max);
instance_ = new_instance; // thread-safe

return instance_;

/// @return the maximum value of m for which the Boys function can be computed with this object
int max_m() const { return mmax; }

/// fills in Fm with computed Boys function values for m in [0,mmax]
/// @param[out] Fm array to be filled in with the Boys function values, must be at least mmax+1 elements long
/// @param[in] x the Boys function argument
/// @param[in] mmax the maximum value of m for which Boys function will be computed; mmax must be <= the value returned by max_m
inline void eval(Real* Fm, Real x, int m_max) const {

// large T => use upward recursion
// cost = 1 div + 1 sqrt + (1 + 2*(m-1)) muls
if (x > T_crit) {
const double one_over_x = 1.0/x;
Fm[0] = 0.88622692545275801365 * sqrt(one_over_x); // see Eq. (9.8.9) in Helgaker-Jorgensen-Olsen
if (m_max == 0)
// this upward recursion formula omits - e^(-x)/(2x), which for x>T_crit is <1e-15
for (int i = 1; i <= m_max; i++)
Fm[i] = Fm[i - 1] * numbers_.ihalf[i] * one_over_x; // see Eq. (9.8.13)

// ---------------------------------------------
// small and intermediate arguments => interpolate Fm and (optional) downward recursion
// ---------------------------------------------
// about which point on the grid to interpolate?
const double xd = x * one_over_delta;
const int iv = int(xd); // the interval
// INTERPOLATION_AND_RECURSION== true? evaluate by interpolation for LARGEST m only
// INTERPOLATION_AND_RECURSION==false? evaluate by interpolation for ALL m
const int m_min = INTERPOLATION_AND_RECURSION ? m_max : 0;

#if defined(__AVX__) || defined(__SSE2__)
const auto x2 = xd*xd;
const auto x3 = x2*xd;
# if defined (__AVX__)
libint2::simd::VectorAVXDouble xvec(1., xd, x2, x3);
# else // defined(__SSE2__)
libint2::simd::VectorSSEDouble x0vec(1., xd);
libint2::simd::VectorSSEDouble x1vec(x2, x3);
# endif
#endif // SSE2 || AVX

const Real *d = c + INTERPOLATION_ORDER * (iv * (mmax+1) + m_min); // ptr to the interpolation data for m=mmin
int m = m_min;
#if defined(__AVX__)
if (m_max-m >=3) {
const int unroll_size = 4;
const int m_fence = (m_max + 2 - unroll_size);
for(; m<m_fence; m+=unroll_size, d+=INTERPOLATION_ORDER*unroll_size) {
libint2::simd::VectorAVXDouble d0v, d1v, d2v, d3v;
libint2::simd::VectorAVXDouble fm0 = d0v * xvec;
libint2::simd::VectorAVXDouble fm1 = d1v * xvec;
libint2::simd::VectorAVXDouble fm2 = d2v * xvec;
libint2::simd::VectorAVXDouble fm3 = d3v * xvec;
libint2::simd::VectorAVXDouble sum0123 = horizontal_add(fm0, fm1, fm2, fm3);
} // unroll_size=4
if (m_max-m >=1) {
const int unroll_size = 2;
const int m_fence = (m_max + 2 - unroll_size);
for(; m<m_fence; m+=unroll_size, d+=INTERPOLATION_ORDER*unroll_size) {
libint2::simd::VectorAVXDouble d0v, d1v;
libint2::simd::VectorAVXDouble fm0 = d0v * xvec;
libint2::simd::VectorAVXDouble fm1 = d1v * xvec;
libint2::simd::VectorSSEDouble sum01 = horizontal_add(fm0, fm1);
} // unroll_size=2
{ // no unrolling
for(; m<=m_max; ++m, d+=INTERPOLATION_ORDER) {
libint2::simd::VectorAVXDouble dvec;
Fm[m] = horizontal_add(dvec * xvec);
#elif defined(__SSE2__)
if (m_max-m >=1) {
const int unroll_size = 2;
const int m_fence = (m_max + 2 - unroll_size);
for(; m<m_fence; m+=unroll_size, d+=INTERPOLATION_ORDER*unroll_size) {
libint2::simd::VectorSSEDouble d00v, d01v, d10v, d11v;
d10v.load_aligned(d+4); // d + INTERPOLATION_ORDER
libint2::simd::VectorSSEDouble fm00 = d00v * x0vec;
libint2::simd::VectorSSEDouble fm01 = d01v * x1vec;
libint2::simd::VectorSSEDouble fm10 = d10v * x0vec;
libint2::simd::VectorSSEDouble fm11 = d11v * x1vec;
libint2::simd::VectorSSEDouble sum01 = horizontal_add(fm00, fm10) + horizontal_add(fm01, fm11);
} // unroll_size=2
{ // no unrolling
for(; m<=m_max; ++m, d+=INTERPOLATION_ORDER) {
libint2::simd::VectorSSEDouble d0vec, d1vec;
Fm[m] = horizontal_add(d0vec * x0vec + d1vec * x1vec);
#else // not SSE2 nor AVX available
for(m=m_min; m<=m_max; ++m, d+=INTERPOLATION_ORDER) {
Fm[m] = d[0]
+ xd * (d[1] + xd * (d[2] + xd * d[3]));

// // check against the reference value
// if (false) {
// double refvalue = FmEval_Reference2<double>::eval(x, m, 1e-15); // compute F(T)
// if (abs(refvalue - Fm[m]) > 1e-10) {
// std::cout << "T = " << x << " m = " << m << " cheb = "
// << Fm[m] << " ref = " << refvalue << std::endl;
// }
// }

// use downward recursion (Eq. (9.8.14) in HJO)
// WARNING: do not turn this on ... on modern CPU exp is very slow
const bool INTERPOLATION_AND_RECURSION_is_slow_on_modern_CPU = false;
const Real x2 = 2.0 * x;
const Real exp_x = exp(-x);
for (int m = m_max - 1; m >= 0; m--)
Fm[m] = (Fm[m + 1] * x2 + exp_x) * numbers_.twoi1[m];


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
This function here creates the expansion coefficients for a single interval
ON INPUT a,b : the interval boundaries
cc : a pointer to the appropriate place in
the coefficient table
m : the F[m] to generate
ON OUTPUT cc : cc[0]-cc[3] hold the coefficients
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void MakeCoeffs(double a, double b, Real *cc, int m) {
int k, j;
double f[128], ac[128], Fm[128];
double sum;
// characterize the interval
double TwoDelta = b - a;
double Delta = 0.5 * TwoDelta;
double HalfDelta = 0.5 * Delta;
double XXX = a + Delta;

const double absolute_precision = 1e-100; // compute as precisely as possible
FmEval_Reference2<double>::eval(Fm, XXX, m + INTERPOLATION_ORDER + 20,

for (k = 0; k <= INTERPOLATION_ORDER + 20; k++) {
if ((k % 2) == 0)
f[k] = Fm[k + m];
f[k] = -Fm[k + m];
// calculate the coefficients a
double fac;
for (j = 0; j < INTERPOLATION_ORDER; j++) {
if (j == 0)
fac = 1.0;
fac = 2.0 * pow(HalfDelta, (double) j);
sum = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
sum += f[j + 2 * k] * pow(HalfDelta, (double) (2 * k)) / numbers_.fac[k]
/ numbers_.fac[k + j];
ac[j] = fac * sum;
// calculate the coefficients c that are Gill's f's
double arg = -XXX / Delta;
double arg2 = arg * arg;
double arg3 = arg2 * arg;
auto cc0 = (ac[0] - ac[2]) + (ac[1] - 3.0 * ac[3]) * arg
+ 2.0 * ac[2] * arg2 + 4.0 * ac[3] * arg3;

auto cc1 = (2.0 * ac[1] - 6.0 * ac[3]) + 8.0 * ac[2] * arg
+ 24.0 * ac[3] * arg2;
auto cc2 = 8.0 * ac[2] + 48.0 * ac[3] * arg;
auto cc3 = 32.0 * ac[3];
cc[0] = cc0;
cc[1] = cc1;
cc[2] = cc2;
cc[3] = cc3;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
This function makes the expansion coefficients for all intervals
ON INPUT m : the highest F[m] to generate
ON OUTPUT c : the coefficients c[m][i] are generated
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void init() {
int iv, im;

// get memory
void* result;
if (posix_memalign(&result,
(mmax + 1) * NGRID * INTERPOLATION_ORDER * sizeof(Real)))
throw std::bad_alloc();
c = static_cast<Real*>(result);

// make expansion coefficients for each grid value of T
for (iv = 0; iv < NGRID; iv++) {
const auto a = iv * delta;
const auto b = a + delta;

// loop over all m values and make the coefficients
for (im = 0; im <= mmax; im++) {
MakeCoeffs(a, b, c + (iv * (mmax+1) + im) * INTERPOLATION_ORDER, im);


/** Computes the Boys function, \$ F_m (T) = \int_0^1 u^{2m} \exp(-T u^2) \, {\rm d}u \$,
* using 7-th order Chebyshev interpolation.
template <typename Real = double>
class FmEval_Chebyshev7 {

static const int N = 60; //!< number of interpolation intervals
static const int ORDER = 7; //!, interpolation order
static const int ORDERp1 = ORDER+1; //!< ORDER + 1

const Real T_crit; //!< critical value of T above which safe to use upward recusion
const Real delta; //!< interval size
const Real one_over_delta; //! 1/delta
Real delta; //!< interval size
Real one_over_delta; //! 1/delta
int mmax; //!< the maximum m that is tabulated
ExpensiveNumbers<double> numbers_;
Real *c; /* the Chebyshev coefficients table, N by mmax*interpolation_order */
Expand All @@ -539,8 +255,6 @@ namespace libint2 {
/// \param precision the desired precision
FmEval_Chebyshev7(int m_max, double = 0.0) :
T_crit(30.0), // this translates in appr. 1e-15 error in upward recursion, see the note below
delta(T_crit / N),
one_over_delta(1.0 / delta),
mmax(m_max), numbers_(14) {
assert(mmax <= 63);
if (m_max >= 0)
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#include <libint2/boys_cheb7.h>

assert(mmax <= cheb_table_mmax);
if (mmax > cheb_table_mmax)
throw std::runtime_error(
"FmEval_Chebyshev7::init() : requested mmax exceeds the "
"hard-coded mmax");
if (T_crit != cheb_table_tmax)
throw std::runtime_error(
"FmEval_Chebyshev7::init() : boys_cheb7.h does not match "
delta = cheb_table_delta;
one_over_delta = 1 / delta;
const int N = cheb_table_nintervals;

// get memory
void* result;
posix_memalign(&result, ORDERp1*sizeof(Real), (mmax + 1) * N * ORDERp1 * sizeof(Real));
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// for k=-1 need to evaluate the Boys function
if (k == -1) {
fm_eval_ = FmEval_Taylor<Real>::instance(mmax_, precision_);
// fm_eval_ = FmEval_Chebyshev3::instance(mmax_);

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