Scored is a simple web app that keeps scores for any number of players in a game.
It was built over a weekend as a way of teaching myself more about Vue.
Checkout this CodePen to see a working demo.
As with all my projects it is fully responsive and should also be fully accessible to assistive technologies. However, as my focus was on using/learning Vue, aesthetics have taken a back seat so it may look a bit dull.
- When Scored is first loaded you need to
- add at least two players' names and
- select a game type.
- Then click the "Start new game" button.
- In play mode you will see boxes with each player displaying their name, along with their current score (zero) plus an input box
- As each player gets a score:
- enter that score into the "Latest score box" and
- click the "Add" button (which will appear once you enter a score)
Scored shows the latest score for each player plus a running total and the players rank in the game.
If you selected "500" as the game type, when one player reaches 500 or -500, the game will end and a winner will be declared.
Scored was built with Vue 3, Typescript and Vite