The purpose of the project is to develop a data pipeline to visualize primary care payment for the hospitals.
Understanding revenue is paramount for the financial well-being of various hospitals/clinics/programs. Uncollected funds decrease resources available to patients. In addition, different insurance systems and the various departments and cost centers create a blended reimbursement schedule that is often difficult to understand. Therefore, creating a system that is easily accessible to clinics and finance staff is essential. This project will be built in different phases.
- PowerBI, Python3, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18, Visio
- PowerBI- Desktop Version
- Data Flow Diagram: visualize the data flow process: interative and iterative process to map out data flows in the system
SQL Script to produce a CSV file that feeds into POWERBI for visualization (Primary-Care-Payment/SQLFinalized.sql)
Python File to Clean up format- priority appt list (
Step-by-step bullets
code blocks for commands
Any advise for common problems or issues.
command to run if program contains helper info
*[dashboard on overview] *[dashboard on revenue projection ] *[data modeling]
- We still need to work with clinics to figure out what operation issues clinics have before optimizing DB and developing a sophisticated modeling.
Evan Xu
- 0.2
- Various bug fixes and optimizations
- See commit change or See release history
- 0.1
- Initial Release
This project is licensed under the [NAME HERE] License - see the file for details
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.