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@hglock hglock released this 01 Jul 08:26
· 41 commits to 4.4 since this release

Updated EDK to and CCPDB to Into The Abyss 1.0.20180529
Cleanups for PHP7.2 compatibility

Set default timezone for EDK to "UTC"
Added customized configuration for EDK ESI client library
Created new ESI Client from _latest as of 20180529
ESI name resolution: Reduced number of IDs per call
ESIFetch: Implemented pagination
Added proper faction check for corporations

Respect ID count limit when resolving entity IDs with /universe/names
zKBFetch: Sort results from zKB API due to missing orderDirection modifier
ZKBFetch: Removed orderDirection API URL modifier
Fix for breaking ESI changes: Resolve entity IDs using universe/names
Fix: Fetch unknown weapon type IDs for attackers from ESI
ESISSO: Increased database column width holding the refreshTokens to 1024
ESIFetch: Fixed wrong "Did not get any kills" message
ESIFetch: Enhanced error message if refresh token is invalid
Fixed viewing faction details
ZKBFetch: Fixed bug leading to potential hang while fetching
ESIParser: Fix for old kills with legacy containers or no coordinates
Fixed error reporting for SSO admin page