The library provides an iOS-like over-scrolling effect applicable over almost all Android native scrollable views. It is also built to allow for very easy adaptation to support custom views.
The core effect classes are loose-decorators of Android views, and are thus decoupled from the actual view classes' implementations. That allows developers to apply the effect over views while keeping them as untampered 'black-boxes'. Namely, it allows for keeping important optimizations such as view-recycling intact.
Add the following to your module's build.gradle
dependencies {
// ...
compile 'me.everything:overscroll-decor-android:1.0.3'
Supports both linear and staggered-grid layout managers (i.e. all native Android layouts). Can be easily adapted to support custom layout managers.
RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;
// Horizontal
OverScrollDecoratorHelper.setUpOverScroll(recyclerView, OverScrollDecoratorHelper.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
// Vertical
OverScrollDecoratorHelper.setUpOverScroll(recyclerView, OverScrollDecoratorHelper.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
See Advanced Usage.
ListView listView = (ListView) findViewById(;
GridView gridView = (GridView) findViewById(;
ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;
ScrollView scrollView = (ScrollView) findViewById(;
HorizontalScrollView horizontalScrollView = (HorizontalScrollView) findViewById(;
View view = findViewById(;
// Horizontal
OverScrollDecoratorHelper.setUpStaticOverScroll(view, OverScrollDecoratorHelper.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
// Vertical
OverScrollDecoratorHelper.setUpStaticOverScroll(view, OverScrollDecoratorHelper.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
// Horizontal RecyclerView
RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;
new HorizontalOverScrollBounceEffectDecorator(new RecyclerViewOverScrollDecorAdapter(recyclerView));
// ListView (vertical)
ListView listView = (ListView) findViewById(;
new VerticalOverScrollBounceEffectDecorator(new AbsListViewOverScrollDecorAdapter(listView));
// GridView (vertical)
GridView gridView = (GridView) findViewById(;
new VerticalOverScrollBounceEffectDecorator(new AbsListViewOverScrollDecorAdapter(gridView));
// ViewPager
ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;
new HorizontalOverScrollBounceEffectDecorator(new ViewPagerOverScrollDecorAdapter(viewPager));
// A simple TextView - horizontal
View textView = findViewById(;
new HorizontalOverScrollBounceEffectDecorator(new StaticOverScrollDecorAdapter(view));
RecyclerView with ItemTouchHelper based swiping / dragging
As of version 1.0.1, the effect can work smoothly with the RecyclerView's built-in mechanism for items swiping and dragging (based on ItemTouchHelper). BUT, it requires some (very little) explicit configuration work:
// Normally you would attach an ItemTouchHelper & a callback to a RecyclerView, this way:
RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;
ItemTouchHelper.Callback myCallback = new ItemTouchHelper.Callback() {
ItemTouchHelper myHelper = new ItemTouchHelper(myCallback);
// INSTEAD of attaching the helper yourself, simply use the dedicated adapter c'tor, e.g.:
new VerticalOverScrollBounceEffectDecorator(new RecyclerViewOverScrollDecorAdapter(recyclerView, myCallback));
For more info on the swiping / dragging mechanism, try this useful tutorial.
As of version 1.0.2, the effect provides a means for registering listeners of over-scroll related events. There are two types of listeners, as follows.
The over-scroll manager dispatches events onto a state-change listener denoting transitions in the effect's state:
// Note: over-scroll is set-up using the helper method.
IOverScrollDecor decor = OverScrollDecoratorHelper.setUpOverScroll(recyclerView, OverScrollDecoratorHelper.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
decor.setOverScrollStateListener(new IOverScrollStateListener() {
public void onOverScrollStateChange(IOverScrollDecor decor, int oldState, int newState) {
switch (newState) {
// No over-scroll is in effect.
// Dragging started at the left-end.
// Dragging started at the right-end.
if (oldState == STATE_DRAG_START_SIDE) {
// Dragging stopped -- view is starting to bounce back from the *left-end* onto natural position.
} else { // i.e. (oldState == STATE_DRAG_END_SIDE)
// View is starting to bounce back from the *right-end*.
The over-scroll manager can also dispatch real-time, as-it-happens over-scroll events denoting the current offset resulting due to an over-scroll being in-effect (the offset thus denotes the current 'intensity').
// Note: over-scroll is set-up by explicity instantiating a decorator rather than using the helper; The two methods can be used interchangeably for registering listeners.
VerticalOverScrollBounceEffectDecorator decor = new VerticalOverScrollBounceEffectDecorator(new RecyclerViewOverScrollDecorAdapter(recyclerView, itemTouchHelperCallback));
decor.setOverScrollUpdateListener(new IOverScrollUpdateListener() {
public void onOverScrollUpdate(IOverScrollDecor decor, int state, float offset) {
final View view = decor.getView();
if (offset > 0) {
// 'view' is currently being over-scrolled from the top.
} else if (offset < 0) {
// 'view' is currently being over-scrolled from the bottom.
} else {
// No over-scroll is in-effect.
// This is synonymous with having (state == STATE_IDLE).
The two type of listeners can be used either separately or in conjunction, depending on your needs. Refer to the demo project's RecyclerView-demo section for actual concrete usage.
public class CustomView extends View {
// ...
final CustomView view = (CustomView) findViewById(;
new VerticalOverScrollBounceEffectDecorator(new IOverScrollDecoratorAdapter() {
public View getView() {
return view;
public boolean isInAbsoluteStart() {
// canScrollUp() is an example of a method you must implement
return !view.canScrollUp();
public boolean isInAbsoluteEnd() {
// canScrollDown() is an example of a method you must implement
return !view.canScrollDown();
/// Make over-scroll applied over a list-view feel more 'stiff'
new VerticalOverScrollBounceEffectDecorator(new AbsListViewOverScrollDecorAdapter(view),
5f, // Default is 3
// Make over-scroll applied over a list-view bounce-back more softly
new VerticalOverScrollBounceEffectDecorator(new AbsListViewOverScrollDecorAdapter(view),
-1f // Default is -2
App icons by P.J. Onori, Timothy Miller, Icons4Android,